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Chapter 10 Review.

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1 Chapter 10 Review

2 Erikson’s Theory Which of the following is true regarding Erikson’s theory and early childhood? Children who experience a supportive environment demonstrate initiative, which includes a new sense of purposefulness and eagerness to try new tasks. Erikson considered play to be an important mechanism in children’s exploration of new skills. Children who experience excessive threats, criticism, or punishment are at risk of developing guilt. All of the above

3 Self-Development Preschoolers’ self-concepts largely consists of characteristics such as shyness. physical appearance. helpfulness. family values. Why do preschoolers often have an unrealistically high self-esteem, or estimate of their own abilities? They have trouble distinguishing between their own and their desired outcomes. They are egocentric in their thinking. They often haven’t experienced much failure. They don’t yet have a fully developed superego.

4 Emotional Development
The more parents label emotions, the fewer “emotion words” kids use. fewer explanations for behavior they provide. better developed children’s emotional understanding will be. more confused preschoolers will be when asked to explain what others are feeling. When her friend, Reagan, loses her favorite toy, 4-year-old Nahla puts her arm around Reagan and offers to give Reagan a cookie from her lunch. Nahla’s emotional response to Reagan’s loss exhibits sympathy. effortful control . emotional self-regulation. d) empathy.

5 Play Two-year-old Beck runs around the room, grabs a car and rolls it on the floor, and then pokes at some play dough. Beck is engaging in ___________ play. constructive functional parallel d) make-believe Which of the following is true of Parten’s play types? Parten only identified social forms of play. Longitudinal research shows that Parten’s play types emerge in the sequence she describes, and later forms of play replace earlier forms. It is the type, rather than the amount, of solitary and parallel play that changes during early childhood. If a child spends time in non-social play during early childhood, it is cause for concern.

6 Moral Development Which of the following is true about discipline?
Punishment and discipline always mean the same thing. Time out, or removing children from the immediate setting until they are ready to behave appropriately, is a viable discipline technique. Harsh physical punishment is most effective in getting children to listen to adults. “Catching kids when they are being good” has little effect in promoting positive behavior. In terms of aggression, which is NOT true. There are different types of aggression, including physical aggression, verbal aggression and relational aggression. Instrumental aggression is intentional, while hostile aggression causes harm on accident. As children gain language skills, physical aggression is often replaced with verbal aggression. Research has shown a correlation between children’s viewing of violence in media and their own displays of aggression.

7 Gender Development In Denyse’s preschool classroom, girls spent more time in the housekeeping, art, and reading corners, while boys gathered more often in the areas devoted to blocks, woodworking, and active play. This conformity to these cultural stereotypes is known as gender typing. identity. segregation. schema. Five-year-old Sean realizes that his brother Shane remains a boy even when he dresses up like a girl as a joke. This demonstrates that Sean has acquired gender constancy. preference. orientation.

8 Chapter 10 Review answers
Erikson’s Theory: d Self-Development: b, a Emotional Development: c, d Play: b, b Moral Development: b, b Gender Development: a, a

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