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The energy deposition profile for 238U ions with energies 500 and 950 MeV/u in iron and copper. A.A.Golubev 1, A.V.Kantsyrev 1, V.E.Luckjashin 1, A.D.Fertman.

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Presentation on theme: "The energy deposition profile for 238U ions with energies 500 and 950 MeV/u in iron and copper. A.A.Golubev 1, A.V.Kantsyrev 1, V.E.Luckjashin 1, A.D.Fertman."— Presentation transcript:

1 The energy deposition profile for 238U ions with energies 500 and 950 MeV/u in iron and copper. A.A.Golubev 1, A.V.Kantsyrev 1, V.E.Luckjashin 1, A.D.Fertman 1, 1 Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia; A.V.Kunin 2, V.V.Vatulin 2, Yu.V.Panova 2, 2 Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF), Sarov, Russia; E.Mustafin 3, D.Schardt 3, K.Weyrich 3, I.Hofmann 3, 3 Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany; N.M.Sobolevsky 4, L.N.Latysheva 4. 4 Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS), Moscow, Russia.

2 Introduction We present the results of precision measurement of the energy deposition profile of the U ions of energy E=500 and 950 MeV/u in copper and stainless steel targets performed in GSI. Comparison of the measured data with the dE/dx calculations using the ATIMA, SRIM and SHIELD codes is discussed. These data are important for the design of the SIS-100 and SIS-300 synchrotrons of the GSI FAIR Project, as well as in various fields of fundamental and applied science, in particular for studies of high density energy contribution in a matter produced by heavy ion beams.

3 The ‘thick target’ method and its advantages: 1) it provides a direct measurement of the energy deposition function, rather than its reconstruction from the differential energy deposition measurements using thin foils; 2) it eliminates the ‘edge effects’ as compared to the ‘thin foil’ approach; 3) it takes into account the beam straggling and fragmentation, secondary particles etc.

4 The target consists of two wedges, with precise control of the angle (5 0 ) and surfaces of optical quality. The gap between the two wedges is about ~100  m. Manipulator consist of the linear motor actuator, the control unit and a PC with software. The axial resolution of the manipulator is about 50  m. This allows to set the total thickness of the wedges with a precision of about 2  m.

5 The calorimeter measures the change of temperature in a thin layer of material (Receiving platform) due to heating by the ion beam. Two thermo-elements transform the temperature increment to the electrical signal. The foil thickness is less than 1% of the total stopping range. The calorimeter is enclosed in a metal case, thermo-modules are fixed in a massive thermostat. The size of the device is Ø50x11mm, the aperture is Ø15 mm, The error of deposited energy measurement is 7%. The oscilloscope is used to record the signal from the calorimeter. The time of growth of the signal amplitude (~3 s) is defined by the rate of dissipation of absorbed thermal energy in the volume of the foil. Then the temperature of the foil starts to decrease exponentially. The time constant of the calorimeter (of signal decreasing e times) is ~10 s. The sensitivity is 5mV/J.

6 500 MeV/u 950 MeV/u CopperStainless steel


8 Ti 30  mAl 100  mAl 250  m Al 100  mAl 150  m Cu Target Variable thickness Ion Beam Monitor Calorimeter foil Ion Beam SHIELD 1 SHIELD 2 Cu cylinder

9 Contribution to energy deposition from various generations of secondary particles and fragments in Copper target. Calculation with the SHIELD code.

10 Conclusion 1.Precision measurements of the energy deposition by 238U ions of E=500 MeV/u and 950 MeV/u in Copper and Stainless steel were performed at the GSI SIS18 facility. 2.Detailed comparison of the measurement with calculations using the ATIMA, SRIM and SHIELD codes for the case of 950 MeV/u U-ions in Copper was performed. 3.On the plateau the energy deposition calculated with the SHIELD code underestimates the measured values of about 20-30% while the ATIMA code agrees with the measurement well. 4.The height of the Bragg curve in the peak from ATIMA and SHIELD coincides with the measurement within experimental accuracy. 5.The stop range calculated by ATIMA agrees with the measured range within 3%. The discrepancy of the range calculated with SHIELD is about 10% and with SRIM is about 15%. 6.Calculation of the stopping power for heavy ions in the SHIELD code according to Bethe-Bloch equation should be updated.

11 4. Ionization loss, fluctuation of ionization loss and multiple Coulomb scattering of charged hadrons and nuclear fragments. 5. 2- and 3-particle modes of meson decay. 6. Modeling of hA- и AA-interactions in exclusive approach (MSDM-generator). 5 1. Transport of N, , K, N and arbitrary nuclei (A,Z) up to 1 TeV/u. 2. Extended target as a combination of bodies limited by second order.surfaces (CG-compatible) 3. Arbitrary chemical and isotope composition of materials in the target zones. 7. Memorizing of each hadron cascade tree during its simulation without loss of physical information. 8. Storing of sources of , e , e+ and of neutrons (E n <14.5 MeV) during simulation of the hadron cascade.55 9. Neutron transport (E n <14.5 MeV) on the basis of the28-groups ABBN neutron data library. 10. Analog and weighted simulation modes, open architecture of the code Recent version of the SHIELD code

12 Modeling of inelastic hA- и AA-interactions (MSDM – Multi Stage Dynamical Model) Fast, cascade stage of nuclear reaction: DCM (Dubna Cascade Model ) [1] Independent Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM) [2,3] Coalescence model [1] Pre-equilibrium emission of nucleons and lightest nuclei [4] Equilibrium deexitation of residual nucleus: Fermi break up of light nuclei [5] Evaporation/Fission [5,6] Multifragmentation of higly excited nuclei (SMM) [7] 1.V.D.Toneev, K.K.Gudima, Nucl. Phys. A400 (1983) 173c. 2.N.S.Amelin, К.К.Gudima, V.D.Toneev. Yad.Fiz. 51 (1990) 1730 (in Russian). 3.N.S.Amelin, К.К.Gudima, S.Yu.Sivoklokov, V.D.Toneev. Yad.Fiz. 52 (1990) 272 (in Russian). 4.K.K.Gudima, S.G.Mashnik, V.D. Toneev, Nucl. Phys. A401 (1983) 329. 5.A.S.Botvina, A.S.Iljinov, I.N.Mishustin et al., Nucl. Phys. A475 (1987) 663. 6.G.D.Adeev, A.S.Botvina, A.S.Iljinov et al. Preprint INR, 816/93, Moscow, 1993. 7.Botvina, A.S. Iljinov and I.N. Mishustin, Nucl.Phys. A507 (1990) 649. Cross sections of NA-,  A- and AA-interactions: V.S.Barashenkov, A.Polanski. Electronic Guide for Nuclear Cross Sections. JINR E2 ‑ 94 ‑ 417, Dubna, 1994. Cross sections of KA- и NA-interactions: B.S.Sychev et al. Report ISTC, Project 187, 1999.

13 Ion beam  20  30 cm, step 1 mm Water target SHIELD-HIT (Heavy Ion Therapy): medical version of the SHIELD. 1.Fluctuations of energy loss and multiple Coulomb scattering are taken into account. 2.Stopping power calculation dE/dx according to ICRU49 (1993). 3.Detailed energy grids for more precise interpolation of particle ranges and cross sections. Track length estimation of fluences of all particles in all target zones. 5.Possibility to «switch off» various physics processes etc.

14 Comparison with experiment

15 SHIELDLAHET Target667670 Blanket (total) Rod №1 Rod №2 Rod №13 Rod №14 583 26.9 30.8 10.9 14.6 607 28.1 33.0 11.0 14.6 Whole assembly12501280 Integral energy deposition (MeV/proton) Energy deposition into lead-uranium assembly under irradiation by 1.5 GeV proton beam (The Project «Energy+Transmutation») Target – lead cylinder, size  8.87см  50см, mass  35 кг Blanket – 30 rods  3.6см  20.8см, Nat U in aluminum envelop 0.5 mm, mass  103 кг. Proton energy 1.5 ГэВ

16 Differential neutron yield from iron target (10  10  20 см) under irradiation by 1 GeV/u 238 U ion beam

17 Satellite Coronas OS Mir International Spase station (full configuration)

18 Proton and neutron fluxes in the “Spectr” module of OA Mir under GCR 1996 irradiation Neutron fluxes at Satellite “Coronas”, OS Mir (the “Cristall” module) and at Airlock of ISS under GCR 1996 irradiation. Comparison of caculated and measured neutron fluxes at OS Mir behind 20 g/cm 2 Al depth at solar max.

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