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VIeme rencontres du Vietnam
The SuperNemo BiPo detector Jean-stephane Ricol CENBG - CNRS VIeme rencontres du Vietnam Hanoi August 2006
Motivation High level of purification for the source foils
Current bb0n experiment sensitivity on neutrino effective mass ~ eV SuperNemo aimed sensitivity < ~ 50 meV T1/2 (82Se 150Nd) > ~ 1026 yrs BG < 1 evt/100kg/yr High level of purification for the source foils Goal of the BiPo detector : Measure the contamination in 208Tl and 214Bi of the bb source foils before the installation in SuperNEMO 5 kg of source (12 m2, 40 mg/cm2) in 1 month with a sensitivity of 208Tl < 2 µBq/kg and 214Bi < 10 µBq/kg
BiPo detection Use the Bi-Po coincidence in the decay chain 238U 232Th
(164 ms) (300 ns) 232Th 212Bi (60.5 mn) 208Tl (3.1 mn) 212Po 208Pb (stable) 36% 238U 214Bi (19.9 mn) 210Tl (1.3 mn) 214Po 210Pb 22.3 y 0.021% Bi-Po Process Source foil (40 mg/cm2) e- Scintillators + PMT T0, Qb(214Bi)=3.2 MeV Tracking (wire chamber) a (delay 164µs) e-
BiPo detection Use the Bi-Po coincidence in the decay chains 238U
(164 ms) (300 ns) 232Th 212Bi (60.5 mn) 208Tl (3.1 mn) 212Po 208Pb (stable) 36% 238U 214Bi (19.9 mn) 210Tl (1.3 mn) 214Po 210Pb 22.3 y 0.021% Bi-Po Process Source foil (40 mg/cm2) e- Scintillators + PMT T0, Qb(214Bi)=3.2 MeV Tracking (wire chamber) a (delay 300 ns) e- a delay T1/2 ~ 300 ns Drift time ~ µsec / cm 212Po a cant be detected in the wire chamber need a dedicated detector
BiPo detection Use the Bi-Po coincidence in the decay chains 238U
(164 ms) (300 ns) 232Th 212Bi (60.5 mn) 208Tl (3.1 mn) 212Po 208Pb (stable) 36% 238U 214Bi (19.9 mn) 210Tl (1.3 mn) 214Po 210Pb 22.3 y 0.021% Bi-Po Process Source foil (40 mg/cm2) e- Scintillators + PMT e- T0, Qb(212Bi)=2.2 MeV a Scintillator Tracking (wire chamber) a a delay T1/2 ~ 300 ns Edeposited ~ 1 MeV
Efficiency Total efficiency ~ 6% e ~ 0.5 e- goes up
e ~ a goes down a Thickness of the foil (mg/cm2) Efficiency Initial energy of the a: E = MeV e ~ a escapes from the foil with a energy > 1 MeV (~150 keV for energy deposited in the scintillator due to the quenching) Total efficiency ~ 6%
Two possible designs studied in R&D
Alpha scintillator with electron tracking detector e- tagging Multilayer scintillator plates without tracking 0.8m e- a g Gamma tagging Foil to be measured Scintillator plate Thickness=1cm (as MOON-1 prototype) Efficiency x 4 Compact geometry & less channels Measurement of 214Bi is not possible (214Po T1/2 = 164 µs high random coincidence bkg) Radon emanation detector developed by Heidelberg
Parallel R&D : Ultra thin scintillator
Ultra-thin scintillating detector (plastic or fiber) for a measurement and e- tagging (e- cross the a calorimeter) Advantages: e ~ 25% Can be used in both designs e- a e- a Technique can be very usefull for a and e- identification with the multi-layers design Foil to be measured
Parallel R&D : Ultra thin scintillator
Thickness of UTS : All a detected if. > 90 µm Optimal for e- ~ µm Crossing efficiency ~ 65-50% DE ~ keV Material possibilities : Plastic : Kharkov produce 2m long x few cm large x 200 µm Fibers : Bicron produces scint. fiber 250 µm (square or round section) To be tested : Light yield ? Radiopurity ?
Ultra Low Background Detector
5 kg of 82Se source foil (~ 12 m2, 40 mg/cm2) 2 mBq/kg of 208Tl 50 (e-, delay a) 212Bi decays / month e ~ 6-25 % 3-12 decays / month Background < 1 event/month is required ! Ultra high radiopurity required for the surface of the scintillator
Main origin of background
Surface contamination of 208Tl on the entrance surface of the lower scintillator Bulk contamination Surface contamination Prompt e-, T0 e- a delay a, T1/2 ~ 300 ns Bkg event rejected Bkg event NOT rejected e- <deposited energy> ~ 50 keV in 100 µm of scintillator
If all comes from mylar wrapping : 2.5 mBq/kg
Analysis of such BG in NEMO-3 data 1642 events observed in 1 year of data Factor 10 Too High !!! If all comes from mylar wrapping : 2.5 mBq/kg T0 electron (trigger) 40 ns < Tdelay < 130 ns e- a Fit between 40 and 130 ns : T 1/2 = (212 +/- 65) ns ~ 300 ns expected Dt between a and e- (in ns) Qb ~ 2.2 MeV electron energy (MeV) quenching a energy (MeV)
Prototype BiPo-1 Capsule BiPo-1 PM 5”
e =1 cm Goal of this prototype: Background measurement Random coincidence from single counting rate of the scint. + PMT scintillator blocs: 20 x 20 x 1 cm Surface contamination 212Bi on scintillator entrance surface Surface treatment : Very thin layer e = 200 nm of ultrapure aluminium deposit on the scintillator surface NEMO-3 equipments: radiopure 5” PMTs, radiopure scintillators First capsule installed in Canfranc laboratory end of september 2006
Prototype BiPo-1 Shield Test Facility: external: 2.3 m x 2.3 m x 2 m
internal: 1.45 m x 1.45 m x 1.05 m Up to 25 capsules can be installed in Phase I 2000 1050 300 2300 x 2300 1450 x 1450 Radon-tight tank (pure iron) Free radon air Lead shield (13 tons) Water shield
Prototype BiPo-1 Phase II
Bg measurement of multi layers design 70 cm
Conclusion BiPo detector must reach a sensitivity of few µBq/Kg
Different designs are under study, they will be tested during with first prototypes The final BiPo detector is planned to be built and installed in the Canfranc laboratory in 2009
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