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MICOS a CHERNE collaboration in applied research involving industry François Tondeur, Lara Marwaha, Isabelle Gerardy, Jonathan Baré ISIB José Rodenas,

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Presentation on theme: "MICOS a CHERNE collaboration in applied research involving industry François Tondeur, Lara Marwaha, Isabelle Gerardy, Jonathan Baré ISIB José Rodenas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MICOS a CHERNE collaboration in applied research involving industry François Tondeur, Lara Marwaha, Isabelle Gerardy, Jonathan Baré ISIB José Rodenas, Sergio Gallardo UPV

2 MICOS miniaturisation of the Compton spectrometer PRINCIPLE Measurement on the scattered X-ray beam to avoid detector saturation

3 The Compton spectrometer in the 1990’s Matscheko et al RTI Electronics A big, heavy device adapted to a Ge detector

4 The Compton spectrometer in CHERNE UP Valencia: Gallardo, Rodenas, Verdu Monte Carlo simulation of the Compton scattering technique applied to characterize diagnostic X-ray spectra U. Bologna: Fernandez, Scot, Baré et al Reconstruction of the X-ray tube spectrum from a scattering measurement ISIB Bruxelles: Marwaha, Tondeur et al present work

5 MICOS Development of a small portable device for routine spectrometric controls of X- ray generators 4-year FIRST project supported by the Walloon region 2008-2012 Industrial cooperation with Balteau NDT and Canberra Benelux Academic collaboration with UP Valencia

6 MICOS partnership Project coordinated by ISIB, and executed at ISIB lab of nuclear and radiation physics research fellow: Lara Marwaha (ex-FHA) UPV: training of the research fellow to MC simulation and to the « old » spectrometer Balteau: manufacturer of the shielding + sales in the industrial sector Canberra: provided detectors for the project + sales in the medical sector

7 MICOS main steps Design of a simplified shielding Tests of detectors and choice of a detector MC simulation and validation Choice of the methodology for unfolding

8 Shielding design 3 options according to energy : maximum 150, 300 or 450 keV Design with MC simulation Steel/lead/copper for 150 kV and 300 kV 450 kV: W cover above the 300 kV device


10 Choice of the detector Limited choice of « pen-type » detectors diam.<20 mm, reasonable cost Tested : CZT, CdTe, NaI CZT- CdTe: not easy to simulate with MC (problems with dead layers, variability from one detector to another, response depending on electronics settings…) Choice: NaI – easy to simulate with MC

11 Monte Carlo simulation Geometrical model validated with radioactive sources: 241 Am, 109 Cd, 57 Co, 137 Cs thickness of front window fitted to experimental data Response matrix of 150 keV prototype calculated with 1 keV interval


13 Deconvolution A specific algorithm similar to GRAVEL gives good results in few iterations sensitive to good energy calibration

14 MICOS going on 300/450 keV prototype soon manufactured simulation-validation-unfolding-testing Back to CZT/CdTe improve the geometrical model and the simulation of the response Students from CHERNE welcome for a master thesis

15 Thank you

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