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Published byMarjory Walsh Modified over 9 years ago
European Certificate in Diversity Training Grundtvig Mobility Programme Mobilităţi de formare continuă
Organizator: ICC International Certificate Conference, DE Grant: 1250 Euro Traineri Barry Tomalin (Language Training London, UK) Ulla Ladau-Harjulin (Turku University, FI) Radu Szekely (Turku University, FI/RO) C âteva date...
O biective develop a thorough understanding of mobility issues in Europe develop the skills and competencies to promote diversity training identify and evaluate key diversity and inclusion issues arising through cultural diversity assess the training and development needs of training delegates in participant countries develop critical awareness of and sensitivity to cultural issues affecting performance in the workplace provide trainers with training in the principles of and practice of training for diversity management.
R ezultate demonstrate the ability to apply models and theories of intercultural differences be able to identify and overcome resistance to dealing with cultural diversity understand and evaluate the training instruments and certification developed by the project as trainers, have an enhanced ability to apply the training materials both face-to-face, or through facilitated work groups and self-access as trainers, have an enhanced ability to administer and prepare candidates and local staff for the certification process.
A genda (9.00-18.00, 5 days) Grundtvig Course Introduction, Aims and Objectives DEW: the Diverse Europe at Work Project DEW materials: DVD scenarios and printed worksheets Stages in Intercultural Competence: Concepts and Definitions Diversity: the seven ~isms: legal and social implications focus on Ageism, Dress, Body Language, Disability, Work Relationships, Punctuality, Race, Authority, Gender, Food, Sexual Orientation, Religion in the Workplace, Cultural Sensitivity, Talking to Foreigners, Understanding Foreigners, Fitting In Developing Emotional Intelligence Developing non-Violent Communication Techniques Cross-Cultural Training: different from Language Teaching Intercultural Sensitivity: Bennett’s Developmental Model Coaching staff in diversity issues, The Grow model, Coaching in pairs Cultural outing in Helsinki DEW Certificates
D iversity Management Ageism Dress Body Language Disability Work Relationships Punctuality Race Authority Gender Food Sexual Orientation Religion in the Workplace Cultural Sensitivity Talking to Foreigners Understanding Foreigners Fitting In
T raining strategies... Pre-chestionar (“Diverse Europe” Aperitif? Exerciţii de auto/intercunoaştere Dezvoltarea echipei Distribuirea materialelor DEW: DVD-uri (scenarii), fişe de lucru, resurse cărţi (What is global diversity?, Cultural Identity) Vizionarea scenariilor (DVD) şi prezentări Power Point Pregătirea sesiunilor de training (DEW training manual) Derularea sesiunilor de training (grup) Discuţii cu participanţii Debriefing (“Review of key learning points”) Chestionar de evaluare finală Platforma moodle (,,www.vnf.ath.cx
I mportant! Cultural competence Externalisation (contrast) Empathy Intercultural skills Intracultural competence
P articipanţi 1.Patricia Janega, Italy 2.Victoria Munsley, Italy 3.Sera Choi, Germany 4.Kirsten Wächter, Germany 5.Nina Althoff, Germany 6.Agota Biro, Hungary 7.Claudia Connolly, France 8.Sarmite Jenerte, Latvia 9.Marcela Claudia Călineci, Romania
“ D iverse Europe” aperitif 1.What does the term ‘diversity’ mean to you personally and within your country/organisation? 2.How important and topical is the issue of diversity in your country/ organization? Has the workplace become more diverse over the past years? Can you foresee the trends for the near future? 3.How does the term ‘diversity’ translate into your national language? 4.Is ‘Diversity Training’ a community-, government-, business- or individual-led initiative in your country? Or has it not been considered at all yet? 5.What are the legal provisions in your country with regard to the respect and promotion of diversity?
F acts about F inland Populaţie “mică” (5.2 milioane) Ţară mare (338 000 km pătraţi) 1000 de lacuri Helsinki (560 000 locuitori) Arhitectură excelentă Artă şi design “the best” Iarnă din belşug: Laponia (Rovaniemi) Primăvară în luna mai Reni şi elani Saună (SPA)
E moţii vizuale Ascultare activă Clarificări Teaching fun
Speed... dating Consulting Circle Nina and Sera Some different
Diversity Tool Ice breaker activity Kippis Kapelli
S uomelina
16 30 Aprilie 2010 (Mobilităţi de formare continuă Grundtvig şi Comenius) 31 Martie 2010 (Vizite de studiu) Î n final...
Respectaţi şi promovaţi managementul diversităţii în consiliere şi orientare!
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