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Salt and Light Leaders’ Conference Session 1 What is the cultural background to the prevalent model of leadership and what are some new metaphors for leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Salt and Light Leaders’ Conference Session 1 What is the cultural background to the prevalent model of leadership and what are some new metaphors for leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salt and Light Leaders’ Conference Session 1 What is the cultural background to the prevalent model of leadership and what are some new metaphors for leadership today?

2 Traditional Worldview: the Enlightenment Rational Logical Scientific Linear

3 Newtonian/ Mechanistic Cause and effect Control and Prediction Competition Reduction Objectivity One right Answer Certainty

4 Applications Medicine Psychotherapy Organisations Marketplace Church?

5 New Metaphors for Organisations Solvay Conference 1927

6 New Metaphors: Einstein Wave/particle duality What if both are right? Einstein held up the paradox – the Principle of Complementarity Choosing one means losing the potential of the other Diversity and unity, not uniformity

7 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Electrons: particles or waves? When measuring location, it’s a particle When measuring speed, it’s a wave Both are right Our observation matters You find what you’re looking for

8 Fractals: Benoit Mandelbrot Deeply patterned objects The shape of the whole is in the parts Self-similarity on different levels of scale Patterns not measurement Influence not force Want culture change? You change…


10 Meg Wheatley Not survival of the fittest, or natural selection, but adaptation by a species Life collaborates with life – no competition. We can all play our part in the ecology of church Change that appears negative may not be so – a new beach after the hurricane Organisations – churches - are living systems

11 Organic/ Quantum Non-locality: influence not force Experimentation, not control and prediction Co-operation and co-dependence Holism, not reductionism Participation, not objective observation Millions of right answers, not just one Uncertainty

12 Leadership Mindsets Change is a nuisance Change is life Grand plan Local initiatives Homogenous policy – one size fits all Heterogeneous policy

13 Leadership Mindsets Equilibrium desired Equilibrium is short-lived Managing outcomes Managing mindsets Directed strategy Emergent strategy

14 Leadership Mindsets Top down managed Propagation Pre-specified success Post-specified success Single decision Iterative process

15 Leadership Mindsets Prediction Surprise Engineered change Cultivated change Designed identity Autopoeisis

16 Summary Old metaphors for organisation – mechanistic New metaphors from quantum physics – organic Wave/particle duality – both are right Heisenberg – we find what we’re looking for Fractals – influence not force Living Systems – collaboration not competition Leadership mindsets – old and new

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