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Circulatory System By Allie Hale, Eileen Monagle and Caroline Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System By Allie Hale, Eileen Monagle and Caroline Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System By Allie Hale, Eileen Monagle and Caroline Kelly

2 The Heart

3 Lungs

4 Red Blood Cells Erythrocytes; from stem cells in bone marrow 2,5 Stem cells can divide to form other types of cells 5 Biconcave disks 5 Binds to hemoglobin 2,5 No nucleus 5 120 day lifespan 5 Dent = more surface area 5

5 White Blood Cells Leukocytes, from stem cells 2 Defense, patrol tissues 5 5 types 5 : o neutrophils o eosinophils o basophils o monocytes o lymphocytes http://seys- g3_2%3AWhiteBloodCell_Bacteria.jpg/97294120/ m%3Aimg%3Abg3_2%3AWhiteBloodCell_Bacteria.jpg

6 Platelets megakaryocytes → giant cells 5, shed fragments wrapped in bits of plasma membrane called platelets (thrombocytes) 2 5 to 9 day lives 5 hundreds of thousands circulating in the blood 5 release substances to clot blood 2 lets.JPG/250px-Giant_platelets.JPG

7 Plasma straw colored liquid, transport medium for cellular part of blood and dissolved substances 2,5 91%-92% water as solvent 5 7%-8% plasma proteins 5 1%-2% miscellaneous molecules 5

8 Blood Vessels Vascular or Vasculature means blood vessels The three types of blood vessels are: o Arteries o Capillaries o veins Function: Complex system of tubes Carry blood to every part of the body. “Drop off” nutrients and oxygen "Pick up” waste o After exchange blood is returned to the heart

9 Arteries Function o Carry oxygen-rich blood to body 4 Structure o Appear red 4 o Thick walls 4 o Smooth muscle fibre 1 o Thick and flexible walls 1 o Grow smaller and smaller 1 Arterioles o Arteries in tiny branches that lead to capillaries 4 o Function → To regulate blood flow and blood pressure by constricting and dialateing 1

10 Veins Function Carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart 4 Transport blood BACK to the heart 4 Carry blood flowing at lower pressure then blood in arteries 1 Structure o Appear blue o Thinner walls than arteries 4 o Three layers of tissue 4 o Valves help aid the blood flow back to the heart → prevents blood from flowing in reverse direction 1

11 Capillaries Function o Connect arteries to veins 4 o Carry blood 4 o Exchange and carry away waste 1 o Supplied with blood from arterioles and venules 1 Structure o 1 Cell thick 1 o Tiniest blood vessels 1 o Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide pass through 1 o Comparison to cell membrane 1


13 Endothelial cells Line blood vessels with thin layer 5 Closely packed 5 Line entire circulatory system 5 AbPics/JMcGendo.jpg AlveoliDrawing.GIF Alveoli Tiny air sacs in lungs Gas exchange occurs between alveoli and endothelial cells

14 Diffusion Gas Exchange Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide transported 5 Occurs at capillary beds 5 Velocity decrease allows for more time for exchange 5 Diffusion occurs 5

15 What prevents gas from being exchanged at non-optimal places? Capillaries are optimal place 5 Arteries are too thick 5 Contain smooth muscle and elastic tissue 5 Not thin enough for diffusion to occur 5 Capillary = just membrane and endothelium 5 ArteryCapillary http://www.web- 20and%20MAP/bulk%20flow.jpg

16 Blood Pressure Blood pressure = fluid pressure imparted to blood by heart contractions 5 Blood rubs against vessel's inner wall - friction causes energy loss 5 Blood pressure is higher at beginning of vessel 5 Veins transport blood back to heart 5 Vein walls have smooth muscle which contracts 5 Moving limbs cause skeletal muscles to bulge against veins 5 Breathing alters pressure gradient 5

17 Bibliography 1. “Blood Vessels - Vascular System.” ivy-rose. N.p., 1 Oct. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.. 2. Dr. Dennis, O’Neil. “Blood Components.” Human Blood: An Introduction to its Components and Types. N.p., 19 Aug. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011.. 3. Heart Valve Surgery. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2011.. 4. “Intro to Blood Vessels.” Boston Scientific. Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.. 5. Starr, Cecie, and Ralph Taggart. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. Ed. Kristin Milotich and Daniel Lombardino. Pacific Grove: Brooks/ ​ Cole, 2001. Print.

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