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Back to School Night 2015/2016 Honors Geometry Alycia Clarkson Room O-203 Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2015/2016 Honors Geometry Alycia Clarkson Room O-203 Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 2015/2016 Honors Geometry Alycia Clarkson Room O-203 Welcome!

2 Parent Survey.

3 Who am I? What do I do? BIOLA University BS in Math 1997 MA in Education 2001 National Board Certification 2003 Department Chair Trainer for Geometry Teachers forSouthern California Math Coach Prescriptive Teaching

4 Main Goal Get your kids to reason, analyze, problem solve, compare, predict, prove……. To be come good Critical thinkers, Creative problem solvers, Communicators, Collaborators -Not just be good copiers who can regurgitate-

5 In other words… REALLY think!

6 How? Textbook is created with this in mind….. Read math- problems imbedded Write math- explain answers in words Discuss math- in teams and with whole class Remember- Problems are spiraled so don’t forget how (see again in new situations at a deeper level)

7 More on teams….. Students now have multiple resources available to problem solve, the teacher acting as the ultimate resource. More complex problems can be solved with the help of others. Teacher can now give more individualized instruction. If students can explain their understanding, they definitely know it!

8 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Team Test- Similar to problem solving we do daily… with higher stakes…. Now they HAVE to perform. No make-ups (sports absences need to arrange to take theirs before they leave) Drop the lowest test score each semester (if missed or messed up) Homework Must get questions answered Will get full credit when they do Must be done before individual test

9 Keeping tabs on your child’s progress… What they should be doing: Assignment sheet Always in their binder How they are doing: Assignment sheet AERIES - your kids have the passwords (same as their google passwords) YOU can pick up yours in the office. (This SAT 8-11am)

10 Example of a stampsheet. What to look for!

11 How can you help? Ask questions (on the hand out that is on my website) I have chapter help as well as some daily help in the form of videos on my website. Encourage them to ask a friend or me!!! Tutorial (day pass) Invest in a private tutor I will have a list next week!


13 Curriculum/ math dept/ geo honors

14 Textbook website


16 Parent guide example.

17 That’s all folks. Thanks for coming! My normal handout is on MY teacher website along with other goodies.

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