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1.1 Points, Line and Planes.

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1 1.1 Points, Line and Planes

2 What is Geometry? Geometry is the study of shapes
They studied Geometry in Ancient Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt Geometry is important in the art and construction fields

3 1. A point is a geometric figure with no set size.
A. Vocabulary: 1. A point is a geometric figure with no set size. The Hershey Kiss is a POINT on the line It is named by a capital letter. 2. A line is a geometric figure consisting of points extending in two direction without ending. It is named by two points on the line or a lowercase italicized letter. h l C D A B

4 3. A plane is a flat surface that extends in four direction without ending.
There is exactly one plane through any three noncollinear points A B C M Plane M or plane ABC

5 4. A space is the set of all points.
5. A collinear points are points all in one line. 6. A noncollinear points are points not all in one line. 7. Coplanar points are points all in one plane. 8. Noncoplanar points are points not all in one plane. 9. A intersection is a set of points that are in both figures.


7 8 – 12 Refer to the figure. l 8. Name a line that contains point A.
9. What is another name for line m. 10. Name a point not on AC. 11. Name the intersection of AC and DB. 12. Name a point not on line l or line m. l D A B C N

8 Draw and label a figure for each relationship.
13. Plane Q contains line r and s that intersect in P.


10 --Read Section 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes
--Define: point, line, plane, space, collinear, coplanar --Explain how to draw point y between x and z. --pg 9 #13-20 all, all,30-35 all, and all

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