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AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Ryan Scott Week 1: January 18 th, 2007 Power Group Leader Solar Panels / Transfer Vehicle / Capsule.

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Presentation on theme: "AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Ryan Scott Week 1: January 18 th, 2007 Power Group Leader Solar Panels / Transfer Vehicle / Capsule."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Ryan Scott Week 1: January 18 th, 2007 Power Group Leader Solar Panels / Transfer Vehicle / Capsule

2 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Possible Power Sources Nuclear –High power output for extended periods Chemical –Available through production Batteries –Power on demand Solar –Proven space readiness Power Need Chemical (Steve) Nuclear (Courtney) Solar (Ryan) Batteries (Mike)

3 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Conclusions (Solar Power Only) Transfer Vehicle: – 6.6 metric tons for Power Structure –1778.8 m^2 Capsule: – 0.9 metric tons for Power Structure –241.5 m^2

4 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Mass and Volume Transfer Vehicle – m = (# of crew * mission duration * pressurized volume)^0.346 = 44,201.7 kg, (24,000 kg Dr. Landau) –15 m^3 (constraint), 3 years –15% rule of thumb = 6,630.3 kg Capsule: – m = (# of crew * mission duration * pressurized volume)^0.346 = 5,536.8 kg, (6,000 kg Dr. Landau) –Based volume on Lunar mission, 5 m^3, 8 days –15% rule of thumb = 900 kg

5 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design GaInP dual-junction Transfer Vehicle - 6630.3 kg * 55% / 2.05 kg/m^2 = 1778.8 m^2 Capsule - 900 kg * 55% / 2.05 kg/m^2 = 241.5 m^2 Effected slightly by radiation High Efficiency High Voltage per cell (2.1 volts)

6 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Resourses Dr. Damon F. Landau. “Strategies for the Substained Human Exploration of Mars” Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Purdue University, Dec. 2006. Wiley J. Larson and Linda K. Pranke. “Human Spaceflight” McGraw- Hill Higher Education, 2006.

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