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Stephen W. Watts Northcentral University

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1 Stephen W. Watts Northcentral University
Embracing E-Learning Stephen W. Watts Northcentral University Audience: Executives and Managers of XYZ, a US-based Technology Company EL a

2 E-Learning Introduction
4 Types of e-Learning What are They? Benefits to our Customers Benefits to our Company Next Steps Conclusion Questions? References The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of what is meant by e-Learning, the four different means by which e-Learning can be delivered, and how XYZ can benefit from implementing e-Learning in all of its varieties, followed by a discussion of what needs to be done next. EL a

3 Introduction to e-Learning
“The use of technologies in learning opportunities, encompassing flexible learning as well as distance learning, and the use of information and communication technology as a communications and delivery tool, between individuals and groups, to support students and improve the management of learning” (HEFCE, 2005, p. 12). According to the Higher Education Funding Council for England, e-Learning is “the use of technologies in learning opportunities, encompassing flexible learning as well as distance learning, and the use of information and communication technology as a communications and delivery tool, between individuals and groups, to support students and improve the management of learning” (HEFCE, 2005, p. 12). This definition, while perhaps incomplete, presents a reasonable platform from which to build a foundation on what we can do within XYZ to increase our training presence with our customers, and service their needs in more flexible ways, while also increasing our own bottom line. There are three main elements to this definition: Learning opportunities exist within our organization that can be solved through the use of technology. Learning does not have to be face-to-face, but can be facilitated by using information and communication technology (ICT). There are ways that we can improve the management of learning. EL a

4 Four Types of e-Learning
Informal (A learner accessing information on their own.) Self-paced (Computer-based or Web-based Training) Leader-led (Synchronous and Asynchronous learner training.) Performance support tools (Help tools for specific tasks.) (Broadbent, 2002, p. 10) When we think of learning, we often focus on the traditional face of classroom learning with a teacher or expert directing the learning, and the students following along. This is not the only means by which we learn, nor is it the only way that XYZ can make itself available to our customers to enhance their knowledge and abilities in using our products, technologies, or services. Through the use of technology we can make available four different types of offerings that will optimize the flow of information about our products, technologies and services to our customers and consumers. We currently have thousands of help documents, and manuals that explain our various products and services in great detail, as well as specific ways in which certain things can be implemented. We could make these documents available on the web, so that when our customers have a specific question on how to do something with one of our products, or how to implement a specific service in one of our technologies, they will be able to search for that information and answer their own questions. This is informal learning. Informal learning allows the consumer to access the information they need to know, at the time they need to know it, and “learn” as needed. We offer hundreds of in-classroom training courses. For some customers with limited travel budgets we may want to offer some, or all, of these courses in a form where the consumer will be able to access the information on their own time frame. This is self-paced learning. Self-paced learning allows us to provide mass information at our customers fingertips, but gives them the control of pursuing the learning at their own pace. We have the instructors to provide face-to-face learning in the traditional classroom. We could utilize these same instructors and our technical abilities to provide learning over the internet. This is leader-led learning. The students would attend class like they normally would, and have the benefit of a living and breathing expert to answer their specific questions or concerns, with the additional advantage of having the choice of where they would care to take the course. This is synchronous leader-led learning. It is also possible to meld a self-paced and leader-led course together to have an asynchronous learning environment, in which the student can pursue their learning at their own pace, but have the capability of posting questions or discussions online to discuss with the instructor or other students. Our help desk has hundreds of cases where the question and answers are repeated time after time. Though the questions may be phrased slightly differently, the answer, or the process of the answer is always the same. We could automate the answers to these specific questions and make them available to our customers as part of our products, or through the voice response unit of our help desk. This is known as performance support tools learning. We can use this to lessen the volume on the help desk, while still serving our customers needs. EL a

5 Using Informal e-Learning
Public Web Sites Assists our Customers Learn more about us Learn more about our products Learn more about our technologies Benefits XYZ Fewer questions on the Help Desk Greater Customer Satisfaction with our products and technologies Informal e-Learning XYZ can implement informal e-Learning by creating public web sites that our customers can search to find specific answers to their questions. If we create a menu-driven web presence the customer will be able to identify the technology or product that they are interested in. For our customers this means mass amounts of information on our database, our applications, our services. For those looking for software or hardware to solve a problem, they will be able to browse our service manuals, and public documentation to determine if our product will meet their needs. For those that have our products or services it will provide them with the information necessary to implement specific services, or how to take advantage of functionality that exists in their product. The benefit of providing this massive amount of information to our customers is that we will have fewer calls to the Help Desk, better customer satisfaction with our products and technologies, while encouraging more purchases of both products and services. EL a

6 Using Self-Paced e-Learning
Training on Demand Traditional classroom training made available in a video based, online format Self-Study CD-ROM Some will have the same content as our instructor-led classes Some will offer specialized content Self-paced e-Learning Our offerings to our customers to allow for learning at their pace will take two forms; Training on Demand, and Self-Study CD-ROM (SSCD) The Training on Demand product will allow us to use our current instructor staff to video record their normal classroom instruction for a course and make it available to our customers over the internet. The Self-study CD-ROM product will allow us to sell sets of disks containing identified topics to our customers that they can then use with their employees to better train them in our technologies. EL a

7 Self-Paced e-Learning for Customers
Same content as in a traditional classroom Get started on training right away Complete classroom content Full lectures covering vital material White board discussions of concepts Hands-on activities Available at any time, in any location Customize your content by selecting the topics of greatest interest or need. Save time and money on travel! Self-paced e-Learning Assistance for our Customers The benefits of self-paced learning for our customers are that they get the same content as in our traditional classrooms, and can learn at a time and place of their choosing. This will save them time and money on travel, and on the cost of training multiple employees. EL a

8 Self-paced e-Learning for XYZ
Create content using current instructor staff Multiple-offerings to tailor to each customer situation Online CD-ROM Sell to ‘low hanging fruit’ Disparate learning styles Dramatically reduced training budgets Build good will and experience with our product and instructors Self-paced e-Learning Benefits to XYZ The greatest benefit of the online or SSCD is that it will allow us to sell additional training product to customers who may not currently have the money in their training budgets to purchase other forms of training. This will build good will and additional experience with our products, and with the quality of our training staff, and result in additional sales later. EL a

9 Using Leader-led e-Learning
Synchronous online instructional experience Comparable to traditional classroom experiences Top-rated and trained instructors Cutting-edge curriculum Hands-on activities to reinforce learning Synchronous Leader-led e-Learning Using our current technologies we can craft a product whereby our instructors can teach our courses online and offer the customer the same great product and service that they now get in our classrooms. EL a

10 Leader-led e-Learning for Customers
Instructor teaches the class ‘live’ Interactive and collaborative technology Immediate feedback and answers to questions Same material as the traditional classroom Extensive hands-on activities to foster greater understanding and interaction between instructor and student No need for expensive travel Learn from anywhere Synchronous Leader-led e-Learning Assists our Customers With this product our customers get equivalent training to our current in class training in an interactive and collaborative environment, without the need to travel to an XYZ facility. These customers, whether as individuals or as groups can receive the benefit of a ‘live’ instructor to facilitate learning, and discussion, while being able to answer questions as they come up. EL a

11 Leader-led e-Learning for XYZ
Keep full-time instructor staff busy No expensive travel or overtime Instructors can teach from anywhere More full classrooms Synchronous Leader-led e-Learning Benefits to XYZ As customers accept this means of training, we could lower to cost of training while increasing our ROI, by closing many XYZ training facilities, cutting overhead. We can lower the costs of travel of our instructors as they will be able to train from their homes or local offices. Finally, instead of having students travel to our facilities we can assign students to any “virtual” class, increasing the likelihood of our classes having more students. Leader-led training appears to give us the opportunity for higher revenue with lower cost, thus greater ROI! EL a

12 Using Performance Support Tools (PST)
Task oriented trouble shooting Tech support Wizards Searching key words or phrases for specific concerns Automated support for oft asked questions Web based Phone based (VRU) Moderate help-desk calls through the use of automation Performance Support Tools (PST) We’ve already done some PST, which allows us to automate a specific process while informing our users how to perform the actions necessary. Many of our products now have setup pages that automate configuration of the product or technologies necessary. This would be a continuation of that process of making our customers more independent, while increasing the ease with which our products may be configured, implemented, and maintained. In this way PST also lowers our costs in Tech support and on the Help Desk, while increasing the satisfaction of our customers. EL a

13 Next Steps Make the decision Create the tools Implement the tools
Market the tools Profit from the tools What do we do next? First, we need to identify the best way to implement each of these different methods of e-Learning into our current structure and practice. Second, we need to put those plans into action and create the different offerings. Third, we need to ensure that our customers know of our new offerings and the benefits that will accrue to them from using them. Finally, we can reap the profits that come from increased customer satisfaction, and independence from our technical support and help desk, and our own lower costs! EL a

14 Conclusion e-Learning for the company e-Learning for our Customers
Keeps costs down More opportunities to help our customers e-Learning for our Customers Wide range of tools to assist according to their need Decreases costs associated with training World-wide access anytime, anywhere Flexibility is THE number one draw for e-Learning EL a

15 Questions? EL a

16 References Broadbent, B. (2002). ABCs of e-learning: Reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer. Higher Education Funding Council for England. (2005) HEFCE Strategy for E-Learning. Bristol, England: Author. EL a

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