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Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific (including Samoa, Fiji, Timor Leste, SPREP and PIFS)

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Presentation on theme: "Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific (including Samoa, Fiji, Timor Leste, SPREP and PIFS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific Report to Plenary on behalf of Pacific (including Samoa, Fiji, Timor Leste, SPREP and PIFS)

2 1. Why CPEIR and Benefits? SAMOA : Climate finance outside of aid effectiveness agenda and review where we are at. To establish a baseline on monitoring of climate financing. Benefit: We have a baseline. Will need a refinement in the classification and the framework. As we practice and more periodic reviews the process will evolve. Joint effort with MNRE and MoF. Built upon other countries classification systems with technical inputs from MNRE. Hard to compare across countries, when the methodology is slightly different. TIMOR LESTE: A new tool to support implementation of the NAPA. There is a trust fund that has the priority of the grant food security, IWRM, mangrove, ecosystem protection, infrastructure resilience. They are budgeting at the state level CC activities. FIJI: At this stage we are not sure if we need to undertake a CPEIR. We are currently consolidating climate change policy framework and aligning from global, regional, national to sectoral policies.

3 2, 3. Next Steps & Priorities Integration at the national and sectoral levels merging with existing integration and mainstreaming plans. Mainstreaming at the institutional level Provide clear and explicit linkages to the budget processes Reflect climate risks, resilience, aspects in Ministry Corporate Plans. – Institutions are strenghtened – Clear linkages to the budget – Activities are costed and considered in budget, reporting and verification Support ongoing reforms of the PFM, PEFAS. Monitoring & Evaluation More awareness by line ministries, supported by regional agencies. Regional technical support mechanisms Pacific Climate Finance assessment frameworks

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