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Telehealth & Telemedicine Review and Resources. Terminology Telehealth  Broad concept of remote healthcare and inclusive of a range of health related.

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Presentation on theme: "Telehealth & Telemedicine Review and Resources. Terminology Telehealth  Broad concept of remote healthcare and inclusive of a range of health related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telehealth & Telemedicine Review and Resources

2 Terminology Telehealth  Broad concept of remote healthcare and inclusive of a range of health related services Telemedicine  Direct patient clinical services

3 Terminology Originating Site  The patient is located Patient Presenter  A trained individual who facilitates the exam. This person is present with the patient at the originating site. Distant Site  The consulting or specialist provider is located here.

4 Organizations to Know National Telehealth Resource Center  Provides assistance, education and information (generally free). http://www.telehealthreso http://www.telehealthreso American Telemedicine Association  Advocacy organization promoting integration of telemedicine into health care systems http://www.americantele http://www.americantele Center for Rural Health Innovation  Apply technology to improve access to health care in rural communities

5 School-based Telemedicine Across the U.S.SBT in Michigan

6 Benefits of Telehealth  Effective care  Improved collaboration  Reduced absenteeism and improved convenience  Satisfaction with health education  Cost-effective

7 Barriers  Start up  Maintenance  Technical expertise and equipment  Reimbursement  Stakeholder buy-in to Implementation

8 Overcoming Barriers At Start Up  Assess needs  Secure community support  Evaluate resources  Obtain funding  Evaluate and purchase equipment  Establish technical support  Establish provider school agreements  Adapt and design space  Train staff Maintaining the program  Regular feedback and trouble shooting  Collaboration among stakeholders  Ongoing training readily available  Continual technical support  Sustainable funding

9 Resources  U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Office for the Advancement of Telehealth, which is part of the Office of Rural Health Policy  National Telehealth Resource Center http://www.telehealthresourc http://www.telehealthresourc  National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center http://www.telehealthtechno http://www.telehealthtechno Regional Telehealth Resource Centers with helpful and comprehensive content  California  Great Plains  Mid-Atlantic  Northwest  Southwest / /

10 Citations  Reynolds CA, Maughan ED. Telehealth in the school setting: An integrative review. J School Nursing. 2015. 31(1): 44-53.  California Telehealth Resource Center. The CTRC Telehealth Program Developer Kit. 2014.  American Telemedicine Association. Telemedicine/ Telehealth Terminology

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