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Physical and Chemical Properties Parts of Chapters 11, 12 and Chapter 1.

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1 Physical and Chemical Properties Parts of Chapters 11, 12 and Chapter 1

2 1) A physical property of matter is something that can be observed or measured, without changing the identity of matter Physical properties include any observations that you can make about a substance using your five senses. Consider salt, for example. Pretend you are observing a spoonful of salt. What do you notice? Salt is solid, hard, white, and made of small grains. If you look very closely, you will notice that salt grains are small square boxes. These are all physical properties of salt.

3 2) Physical properties include Length Mass Volume Density buoyancy Color Strength Elasticity Brittleness ductility

4 3) a)Mass: amount of matter that makes up an object b) Volume: the amount of space an object occupies

5 4) Some physical properties are considered mechanical properties: a) Strength – ability to maintain shape under force b) Elasticity – ability to be stretched or compressed and return to original size c) Brittleness – tendency to crack or break d) Ductility – ability to bend and stretch without breaking

6 5) The state in which matter occurs is also a physical property. It can be solid, liquid, or gas.

7 5a) solids definite shape and volume, Particles are closely packed Strong attraction between objects Movement is limited to vibration

8 5b) Liquids Liquids have definite volume but no definite shape. takes the shape of the container Move fast enough to over come some attraction

9 5c) Gases Gases-have no definite shape and no definite volume

10 6) The physical property density is the amount of matter in a certain space. It refers to “how crowded the particles of matter are”

11 6a) Density can be calculated as mass divided by volume Units for density are usually g/ml or g/cm 3 D=m/v

12 6b) An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the liquid you put it in

13 7) Chemical properties describe a substances ability to change into a NEW substance with different properties. They have to be tested to be proven to exist. They include: a) flammability – will it burn b) Reactivity – will it combine with other substances

14 8) Properties that are always the same no matter what size the sample is are called characteristic properties They include Density Solubility (will it dissolve) Reactivity

15 1) Define physical property 2) Define density 3) Write an explanation for density in YOUR own words. 4) How is density calculated?) 5) Define chemical property 6) List two chemical properties 7) What is a “characteristic” property? 8) List the useful characteristic properties.

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