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Density Why are boys so dense some times?. DEMO Materials: One liter beaker One small vial (about 25 mL) Cold water (cooled with ice and let melt) Colored.

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Presentation on theme: "Density Why are boys so dense some times?. DEMO Materials: One liter beaker One small vial (about 25 mL) Cold water (cooled with ice and let melt) Colored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Density Why are boys so dense some times?

2 DEMO Materials: One liter beaker One small vial (about 25 mL) Cold water (cooled with ice and let melt) Colored hot water (use a dark color for best results) Foil Pencil Piece of string Observation

3 A. What is density? Defined as…..

4 Prediction What do you think will have greater mass? 1. A gram of feathers 2. A gram of chocolate

5 Which one will have more volume? (what does this mean) 1. A gram of feathers 2. A gram of chocolate

6 To determine the density of an object use: Density = mass (g) Volume (mL) or (cm 3 ) Notice the units? These will be included with your answer!!

7 Math Skills and Science  Write the original formula  Solve the formula for the missing variable  Substitute the values and units  Math  Record answer with proper units, box or happy cloud

8 Which is denser? Make a prediction ChocolateFeathers Mass (g) Volume Density

9 Work area…..

10 Let’s practice, regular shaped solid Determine the volume of this cube. ____________________ The mass is 20.0 g. What is this cube’s density? _____________________ 1.O cm

11 B. What is density good for anyway? 1. Density is a physical property of matter 2. Density is specific to the type of matter a. Example: water has a density of 1.0g/mL b. Example: bag of materials with all the same masses but different volumes Therefore (drum roll please……. ) Density can be used to identify unknown substances

12 Look the same, right?

13 3. The only way to change a substances density is to change its phase! (solid, liquid, gas)

14 Determining density What Phase is the object Regular Shaped Solid (block) Use formula for volume (ex: LxWxH (cm3) Mass the object Irregular Shaped Solid (rock) Water displacement method to determine the volume (mL) Mass the object (g)Liquid Graduated cylinder to measure volume (mL) Mass the graduated cylinder, mass the cylinder with the liquid, subtract the two numbers

15 Chocolate Lab Materials Clean paper Electronic balance Ruler Work in a group of four

16 c. Solid, liquid, gas, and Plasma 1. Solid a state of matter that had a definite shape and volume. Particles of matter are tightly packed together. The particles cannot change position. They can only vibrate.

17 2. Liquid State of matter that has a definite volume but not definite shape. Liquids are able to change shape because the particles of a liquid can change position.

18 3. Gas State of matter that have no definite shape or volume. Gas takes the shape of its container. The particles of gases are constantly moving. They are much farther apart.

19 4. Plasma: State of matter made up of small electrically charged particles which make it up. It is very rare on Earth but it is found in other parts of the universe. You can find it in stars where the temperature and the pressure are very high

20 D. Changes in states of matter Matter can change from one state to another Add heat Take out heat There are five (5) phase changes

21  Freezing

22 2. Melting

23 3. Evaporation

24 4. Condensation

25 5. Sublimation

26 E. Physical Properties of matter Density Shape Size Color Texture

27 F. Physical Change A change that does not produce a new substance Example: rip a piece of paper in half Example: freeze water Still the same chemical composition, can put it back to its original state

28 G. Chemical Change A change that produces a new substance Example: burn a piece of paper rev_changes_fs.shtml

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