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This is JEOPARDY Industrial Rev./Imperialism Mr. Booth/Alex Trebeck.

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2 This is JEOPARDY Industrial Rev./Imperialism Mr. Booth/Alex Trebeck

3 Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 500 Beginning of I.R. I.R. Medley Reforms of the I.R. Imperialism Random Imperialism Ex.

4 Final Jeopardy

5 What is the bourgeoisie, and proletariat.? Answer the following blanks: Karl Marx called the employers or haves the ________. The “have-nots” were called the _________. He believed that these two classes would be “warring classes” and the “have-nots” would overthrow the haves.

6 What is the Cottage Industry? Before the I.R., there was an industry called this in which textiles were made by hand and the process was very slow.

7 What is nationalism? A deep devotion to one’s country or nation

8 What is Coal and Iron Ore? These two natural resources enabled Great Britain to start the Industrial Revolution.

9 Who is Samuel Slater? He was responsible for bring English textile machinery designs to the United States.

10 This number is the fraction of people who lived in rural areas in England in the 18 th century BEFORE the IR. What is 9/10ths?

11 This man invented the cotton gin Who is Eli Whitney?

12 He invented the Spinning Jenny which allowed cotton to spin at high speeds. Who is James Hargreaves?

13 Name one of the diseases factory workers could get from drinking polluted or contaminated water. What is Cholera or Typhoid?

14 Land, Labor, Capital, and Entrepreneurship are known as the four what? What is Factors of Production?

15 This was a movement where common land was fenced in and farmers who did not own land would be out of work… What is the Enclosure Movement?

16 He wrote the Wealth of Nations and is considered the father of capitalism or the idea of a free market economy. Who is Adam Smith?

17 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

18 What is Utilitarianism? This philosophy is based on the ideas that people should judge ideas and actions on the basis of their usefulness. It also said that this is a philosophy for the greater good for the greatest number of people.

19 This philosophy refers to the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference or a “hands – off” approach by government in terms of regulating businesses. What is “laissez-faire”?

20 This man from Germany wrote the Communist Manifesto and believed in the economic reform of Socialism Who is Karl Marx?

21 This American woman ran a Hull house in which it housed women, trained workers, and helped immigration populations. Who is Jane Addams?

22 This theory is where the fittest enjoyed wealth, success, and the belief that Europeans were better than Africans during the I.R. What is Social Darwinism?

23 The belief that one race is superior to the other What is Racism?

24 In this meeting, European countries were told to lay down rules for the division of Africa including helping the people of Africa build a civilization. What is the Berlin Conference?

25 Europeans introduced this drug to the Chinese during the early 1800’s. What is Opium?

26 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

27 This was the policy of the Japanese on foreign trade before 1850. What is Isolationism?

28 The Suez Canal in Egypt connected these two bodies of water. What is the Mediterranean and Red Sea?

29 Indian soldiers monitored by the British Who are the Sepoys?

30 The English called India this because it was the most important colony in their empire because of their raw materials What is “The Jewel in the Crown”?

31 The Treaty of Portsmouth was an ending to what war? What is the Russo-Japanese War?

32 This policy occurred because the U.S. worried about other countries “sphere of influence” in China What is the Open-Door Policy?

33 This economic system is when the means of product would be owned by the people. Private property would cease to exist and good and services would be shared equally. What is Communism?

34 This Englishman fought for the abolition of slaves and slavery was abolished in England in 1833. Who is William Wilberforce?

35 Who is Horace Mann? This American favored free public education for all children.

36 Who is Thomas Malthus? He argued that population tended to increase more rapidly then the food supply and without wars and epidemics to kill of the extra people, most were destined to be poor and miserable.

37 Who is Robert Bakewell? He increased mutton (sheep meat) output by allowing only his best sheep to breed..

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