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Endangered animals Mammals. □Mammals are animals who have hair or fur. □Mammals mothers nurse their young with milk. □Mammals live on land. □They have.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered animals Mammals. □Mammals are animals who have hair or fur. □Mammals mothers nurse their young with milk. □Mammals live on land. □They have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered animals Mammals

2 □Mammals are animals who have hair or fur. □Mammals mothers nurse their young with milk. □Mammals live on land. □They have 4 legs (some of them have 2) and ears that stick out. □Mammals are warm- blooded, have lungs and need air to breath.

3 Brown Bear □The brown bear is a mammal from the Ursidae family. □They live in Europe, Asia and North America. □This type faces with extinction because of their fur. People make a lots of coats, hats and gloves.

4 Saola □Saola is one of the most endangered type of mammals. □Saola lives in Southeastern Asia. □They have a very specific head and they remainds of unihorns. □Because of his rares this animal is very hunted. □People thinks that in the world are left only 10 saolas.

5 Siberian Tiger □The siberian tiger is also known like Amur tiger. □They have a very camouflage fur. □They are the biggest cats on the planet, because of this they are the most rarely tigers. □It’s entered in the Red book and protected. In China for killing a Siberian tiger is following a death penalty.

6 Hirola □Hirola or Hunter’s hartebeest is antilope specias. □Scientists for animals think that hirolas would be first extinction of mammalian genus. □Factors because they are disappearing: * they are breading very slow * people hunt them beacause they use their horns for making music instruments.

7 Gorilla □Gorilla is rare type of primates. □Female gorilla is pregnant nine mounts. After giving birth mother carry her baby on her stomach two mounts. □She is breastfeeding her baby one year. □And after three years she is breading again.

8 Okapi □Okapi is a mixture of giraffe and a zebra. □They live in rainforest and they are hunted for their skin.

9 African wild dog □The african wild dog is one of the breeds who are endangered. □His ears aren’t the same size and their hearing is very strong. □Their spots are very unique and they reminds of hiens.

10 Tapir □Tapirs are mixture of pigg, horse and elephant. □There are four types of tapirs and all four types are endangered. □They have specific color, their shoulders, legs and head are black and their belly is white.

11 Leopard □Leopards are member of family panthers. □They have very unique and beautiful fur. And that’s reason why they are hunted. □Their number is lower every day, and they are considerate like endangered animals.

12 Cheetah □Cheetah are only one type of “Acinonyx”. □They are rep of big cats, and they are the fastest land animals. □They are hunted cause of their fur whit dotts. □People use it for making bags, boots, gloves, coats etc.

13 Asian Elephant □Elephants are an important curtular icon in Asia. □Asian elephants are extremely sociable. □Elephants are too close to water, because they need to drink at least once a day. □They’re using for food grasses, leaves. They too eat bananas and rice.

14 Made By: □Aleksandra Angelovska □Tea Velickovska □Anamarija Trgacevska □Sara Filipovska □VIII class 2013/2014

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