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2 Towards a member- led College of Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Towards a member- led College of Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Towards a member- led College of Teaching

2 Doctor, accountant, plumber, teacher, nurse Which one of these is not recognised as a chartered professional? 3

3 4 The new chartered body for the teaching profession. A member-driven and voluntary organisation run by teachers in order to better meet the needs of children and young people. An autonomous body that is independent of government. The College is at the start of its journey. Now is the time to get involved and shape its future! Good teachers know good teaching Introducing your College of Teaching

4 5 Before you start your own debate, you might want to hear from other teachers. Video of teacher perspectives College of Teaching animation Setting the scene

5 Why a new chartered College? We can, and should, strive to look after our own interests as a profession. We have an opportunity for the profession to take responsibility to set our own standards. A College gives teachers equality of status with other chartered professions (such as doctors, lawyers and engineers). Through an active College, the profession can take charge of its own destiny and set its own agenda. Members of the College will develop an agreed pathway for early career development with national recognition. 6

6 Mission and purpose The official objective of the College of Teaching is: “the promotion of sound learning and the improvement and recognition of the art and science of teaching for the benefit of learners (where teaching may include, but shall not be limited to, instruction, research, and assessment)”. 7

7 Professional development Better access to high quality professional development and learning A respected portfolio to show professional impact Guidance from a College Mentor Recognised by schools Schools committing to access to professional learning and accreditation Schools committing to sector-led standards, peer-to- peer review Professional knowledge Pooling knowledge of the best way to help pupils succeed Drawing upon academic research and making this available to professionals Contributing to a growing knowledge base to help all professionals Professional standards 8 Accreditation against sector-led standards Respected standards with validity and portability Career development opportunities The proposed services to members are: What’s in it for teachers?

8 9 Do teachers want this? The Education Company conducted a survey that received 13,000 responses. 75% of respondents were classroom teachers and subject leaders who want: Professional knowledge sharing – 91.2% A common code of practice – 87.5% Professional development – 85.9% Recognition by schools – 84.1% Professional standards – 82.0% Find the full report here:

9 10 Will it differ from the General Teaching Council? The College of Teaching is NOT a government initiative. It will be governed by its members to support them in raising standards of professional practice. The organisation will focus on aspiration, development and recognition, not regulation and striking-off. It will provide a point of stability through changes in policy and other sector developments. More questions? Access factsheets on this and other hot topics here:

10 11 YOU can make this happen. Have your say! What do you want from your College? Who should be a member of the College? What expertise and experience would you like members of the College to have? Tell us what you want. The College of Teaching is an opportunity for the profession to come together and set our own standards

11 12 Membership Consultation – Question 1 QUESTION 1: Would you favour a College of Teaching membership that is (choose one): Only for practising teachers in schools and colleges (0- 18) Only for practising teachers in schools and colleges (5- 18) Only for practising teachers in schools and colleges including FE colleges (aged 19 and above) Admits all with an involvement in teaching (pre-school, schools, colleges, Further Education, Higher Education / Universities, education research etc.) Another option – please explain.

12 13 Membership Consultation – Question 2 QUESTION 2: Should all members have the right to become Chartered Members and so govern the College of Teaching? Practising teachers in EYFS? – Yes / No Practising teachers in schools and colleges (up to 18) – Yes / No Practising teachers in schools and colleges (including FE colleges aged 19 and above) – Yes / No Practising teachers in higher education – Yes / No All with an involvement in teaching – Yes / No Another option – please explain.

13 14 Membership Consultation – Question 3 QUESTION 3: What expertise and experience would you like members of the College of Teaching to have? (Choose all that apply) Teaching in: Early Years / EYFS Primary Secondary SEN Further Education Higher Education Research Initial teacher education Leadership Headship Other – please explain

14 15 Membership Consultation – Question 4 QUESTION 4: On a scale of 1-5 where 1 has no value at all and 5 is extremely valuable, rank which of the following membership benefits of the College you would value? Professional standards. Members will be accredited against valid, portable, respected, sector-led standards; these will provide opportunities for career development, confer status and inspire respect. Professional development. The College will provide a career pathway that informs access to high-quality professional development and learning and enables its members to build a validated portfolio documenting professional impact and to be supported by a College Mentor.

15 16 Membership Consultation – Question 4 Professional knowledge. The College will provide access to a quality assured and diverse professional knowledge base, drawing from academic research and teachers’ judgements of the best ways to help children succeed in specific contexts. Recognition by schools. Organisational affiliation will demonstrate a school’s commitment to providing access to professional learning and accreditation, including peer-to-peer review. A common code of practice that reflects aspirational standards of teaching, an evidence-informed approach to practice, ethical behaviour, promotion of the profession and the best possible opportunities for learners.

16 17 Share your views Tell us what you think online. It will take less than five minutes: The consultation will close at the end of February and results will be made available from mid 2016.

17 18 The College of Teaching must be owned and run by its members. To make this a reality we are asking teachers to pledge their support through a crowdfunding campaign. If you believe that teachers should lead the way in their own profession. Please pledge today then spread the word.

18 19 Claimyo has a wealth of information on the College including FAQs, factboxes, teacher, Headteacher and union views as well as animations. Follow us on Twitter @collofteaching Like our Facebook page: Further information

19 20 To contact us with any questions please email To arrange a briefing call or to find out about becoming a regional representative for the College, contact Laura Smith on Mailing address is: College of Teaching, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL. Contact the College

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