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W. M. Keck Observatory Community Scientific Strategic Planning Meeting September 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "W. M. Keck Observatory Community Scientific Strategic Planning Meeting September 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 W. M. Keck Observatory Community Scientific Strategic Planning Meeting September 18, 2009

2 Strategic Plan “Excellence by choice” WMKO Mission (2010-2020) – High angular resolution astrophysics – Faint object, high-precision & highly-multiplexed spectroscopy from UV through K. – Highly efficient operations – Flexibility to exploit emerging opportunities – Training the future leaders of the field WMKO Mission (2020+?)

3 Strategy “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Winston Churchill

4 Strategy “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. ” Sun Tzu

5 Strategy “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” Michael Lebeouf

6 Strategy “You may not be interested in strategy, but strategy is interested in you.” Leon Trotsky

7 Strategy You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless.” Charles de Gaulle

8 Enlightened Criticism

9 Enthusiastic Endorsement

10 Introduction & Goals of Meeting Has the strategic planning process produced the right answer? What is the role of Keck in the next 5, 10, and 20 years? Does our outlook balance short, medium, and long-term priorities? Are we trying to do too much? Too little? How can the planning process be improved?

11 Banned Stakeholders “Out of the box” Viable alternative Fall-back position Bend the cost curve Synergy

12 Agenda 8:30 Introduction and Objectives of Meeting [Martin] (15 min) 8:45 Overview of Strategic Planning process & resulting Strategic Plan [Brodie] (45 min) 9:30 Keck and the System, Astro2010 activities [Bolte/Kulkarni/Armandroff] (30 min) 10:00 The future of WMKO in the TMT era [Bolte/Kulkarni] (30 min) 10:45 Resource outlooks [Armandroff] (Federal, Development, Time trades) (45 min) 11:30 Flow-down of Strategic Priorities to Annual and 5-year WMKO Plan [Armandroff/Lewis] (30 min) Key Initiatives – 1:00 NGAO [Max, Wizinowich, Morris, NSAT] (80 min) – 2:20 KCWI [Martin] (25 min) – 2:45 Highly efficient operations [Armandroff/Lewis/TBD] (25 min) – 3:10 Flexibility/Time-Domain Astronomy [Prochaska] (10 min) – 3:20 High resolution LRIS upgrade [Cohen] (10 min) – 3:30 Wide-field spectroscopy [Brodie/Bernstein] (25 min) 4:00 Summary of community input, responses to-date, and planned future responses [Prochaska, TBD] (15 min) 4:15 Contributed talks & visions, discussion of submitted questions open discussion [Martin/Brodie] (75 min) 5:30 Wrap-up [Martin/Brodie] (15 min) 5:45 Reception (90 min)

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