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I have researched all my clients and they have told me that if I were to design a website for them, the website should require: Usability (Medium) User.

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Presentation on theme: "I have researched all my clients and they have told me that if I were to design a website for them, the website should require: Usability (Medium) User."— Presentation transcript:

1 I have researched all my clients and they have told me that if I were to design a website for them, the website should require: Usability (Medium) User friendly (use of navigation) (high) Non-offensive (high) Value for money (Medium) Attention grabbing (high) Colors that suit the topic (medium) Music/sound effects (high, since my website is about music) Entertainment value (High) Interest to users (high) Designed for deaf and blind (high) Search box (low) Designed to not lose interest Must contain the right information Able to understand context (high) (high, medium, low priority.)

2 Designed to not lose interest. – This is important because the website should be about the stakeholders main interest, so if they lose interest, then they might lose interest in what the actual website is about. For example in my case, my stakeholder Jahdiel, will lose interest in Marilyn Manson ( Her favorite interest) if she does not find the website interesting. Search box. – Important for having quick searches which can speed up the use of getting around the page. Designed for the deaf and blind. – Highly recommended for websites because it means that the website can be used by almost anyone who knows how to get onto the internet. Not many websites have this option. Interest to users – Required for the subject is about the stakeholders main interest. Entertainment value – Makes the subject a much more interesting experience for the stakeholders interest. Could make the stakeholder more interested in that specific subject what the website is about. Music/Sound effects – Can be a great attention grabber, attracts the target audience with effects that enhance the users experience. Also my chosen subject is about music so this is required for me. Colors that suit the topic. – This can be a great way to populate your website. You should always be using colors that match your chosen subject. For example, you wouldn’t have a pink background when you are advertising a website about a horror movie. Attention grabbing. – Important to keep your audience interested in the subject, after all it is their favorite subject, they should be enjoying it as much as possible. Value for money. – If the website hosting costs money for the audience to use, then you should definitely make sure that your audience is getting their best experience of the website for the money they are paying to use it. User friendly – The website should be all about the users getting around with ease. The context of the writing should be on a clear background so that you can read it easily and it should contain correct spelling, along with correct sentence structures so that you are able to understand it. Non offensive – This is a ‘MUST’. Your website cannot be offensive in anyway as it will lose the audiences attention and perhaps lose your audiences interest in any of your work, also may even be taken off the world wide web (WWW.) Must contain the right information. – Very important because you want your audience to understand the subject and it is their chosen subject so it should be about what they are looking for.

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