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The electrostatic field of conductors EDII Section 1.

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1 The electrostatic field of conductors EDII Section 1

2 Matter in an electric field Variations on atomic or molecular scales Miicroscopic potential Average potential

3 “Macroscopic” Electrodynamics Take spatial average over interatomic length scales. Actual microscopic field

4 The length scale for averaging depends on the problem

5 Conductors: Those media for which an electric current (flow of charge) is possible Electrostatics: Stationary state of constant energy. The electrostatic electric field inside a conductor is zero. A non-zero field would cause current, in which case the state would not be stationary due to dissipation. Any charges in a conductor are at the surface. Otherwise there would be non-zero field inside. Charges on the surface are distributed so that E = 0 inside.

6 What we can know about Electrostatics of Conductors? 1.We can find E in the vacuum outside. 2.We can find the surface charge distribution. That’s it.

7 Far from the surface:0 Average potential Actual microscopic potential Surface Medium Vacuum

8 Exact microscopic field equations in vacuum We will set r = 0, because we assume no macroscopic net currents in electrostatics Now take spatial average r

9 Spatially averaged fields These are the usual equations for constant E-field in vacuum  is a “potential function” Laplace’s equation

10 Boundary conditions on conductor surface: Curl E = 0 both inside and outside For a homogeneous surface and are finite

11 Curl E = 0 Finite, so is finite across the boundary is continuous across the boundary. Same for E x. Since E = 0 inside a conductor, E t =0 just outside. E is perpendicular to the surface every point.

12 Surface of a homogeneous conductor is an equipotential of the electrostatic field. No change in  along the surface

13 Normal component of E field and surface charge density are proportional Derivative along the outward normal Only non-zero on the outside surface

14 Total charge on the conductor is the integral of the surface charge density Whole surface

15 Theorem The potential  (x,y,z) can take max or min values only at the boundaries of regions where E is non-zero (boundaries of conductors).

16 Consequence A test charge e cannot be in stable equilibrium in a static field since e  has no minimum anywhere.

17 Proof. Suppose  has a maximum at point A not on a boundary of a region with non-zero E. Surround A with a surface. Thenon the surface at all points, and Contradiction! But Gauss Laplace

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