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Mark brought the mail and paper inside.. Everybody was sorry Jay couldn’t stay longer.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark brought the mail and paper inside.. Everybody was sorry Jay couldn’t stay longer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark brought the mail and paper inside.

2 Everybody was sorry Jay couldn’t stay longer.

3 We will wait by the trail for one more minute.

4 I promise to clean the tray before I play.

5 Don not put hay away behind the barn door.

6 A chain keeps the main door shut.

7 Bess brought the gray sand pail to the beach.

8 The train may be here any minute now.

9 We promise to make you a plain vase from the clay later.

10 Ray was sorry he didn’t pay the bill on time.

11 Hang the apron on the nail behind the door.

12 Which way did everybody go after class today?

13 We promise to call and say hello the minute we sail into town.

14 The clouds brought so much rain that all the grain got soaked.

15 We are sorry we could not paint the fence, but we will do it in April.

16 The maid sprayed the room and closed the door when she was finished cleaning.

17 Everybody in the club will fly to Spain for a holiday trip.

18 Jada’s dog strayed from behind her home.

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