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A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Lepix: monolithic detectors for particle tracking in standard very deep submicron CMOS technologies. A. RIVETTI I.N.F.N.

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1 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Lepix: monolithic detectors for particle tracking in standard very deep submicron CMOS technologies. A. RIVETTI I.N.F.N. sezione di Torino, via P. Giuria 1 Torino, 10125, Italy W. SNOEYS, M. CASELLE, K. KLOUKINAS CERN CH-1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland A. DOROKHOV Institut de Recherches Subatomiques 23 rue du Loes - BP28- F6703, Strasbourg, France P. CHALMET, H. MUGNIER, J. ROUSSET MIND-MicroTechnologies-Bât. Le Mont Blanc 74160, Archamps, France

2 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009  Motivations  Sensor design  Front-end electronics  Prototyping strategy and R&D timeline.  Conclusions. Outline

3 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 High resolution silicon detectors: state of the art Hybrid pixels: detectors and electronics fabricated on different substrates. Charge collection by drift, good radiation hardness. Pixel size: 50  m x 50  m to 50  m x 400  m. Complex front-end electronics, high read-out speed. Typical power density: 250 mW/cm 2. MAPS: detector and electronics on the same substrate. Only commercial CMOS technologies. Pixel size: 20  m x 20  m or lower. Slower read-out speed. Charge collected by diffusion, more sensitive to bulk damage. Power density for fast options: 100 mW/cm 2. Silicon strips: detector and front-end electronics on different substrates. Suitable to cover large areas at low particle densities. Power density: 20mW/cm 2.

4 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Exploiting the features of very deep submicron CMOS processes to combine most of the advantages of the previous technologies:  Good radiation hardness (charge collection by drift).  High speed: parallel signal processing for every pixel.  Low power consumption: target 20 mW/cm 2.  Monolithic integration.  Use of CMOS technologies with high production rate (20 m 2 per day…) Lepix is a collaboration between CERN, IReS in Strasbourg and INFN. Interest also from Imperial College Within INFN it is a project funded by the R&D scientific committee. Lepix goal

5 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009  First feedback from the foundry that standard deep submicron CMOS processes can be reliably implemented with wafer of higher resistivity (> 100  · cm). Standard CMOS on lightly doped substrates  Higher substrate resistivity enhances the separation between different circuit blocks (better insulation between digital and analogue).  A resistivity of 200  · cm should allow a uniform depletion layer of 30  m – 40  m with a reverse bias voltage of 100 V.  Collection by drift + moderate resistivity: good radiation hardness (adequate for LHC upgrades).

6 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 First sensor concepts nwell collection diode Pmos input device.  Charge to voltage conversion on the sensor capacitance  For 30  m depletion and 10fF capacitance: 38 mV for 1 mip. Bias circuit Processing electronics Only one PMOS transistor in the pixel. Each pixel is permanently connected to its front-end electronics located at the border of the matrix. Each pixel has one or two dedicated lines: need of ultra fine pitch lithography => 90 nm CMOS.

7 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Issues in sensor design  Challenge is in obtaining a uniform depletion layer.  Optimal geometry and segmentation of the read-out electrode.  Effective charge resetting scheme.  Pattern density rules in very deep submicron technologies are very restrictive.  Insulation of the low-voltage transistors from the high voltage substrate. Sensor is designed in close contact with the foundry!

8 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Sensor segmentation (1)  Signal is proportional to:  Noise is proportional to: m=1/2 in weak inversion m=1/4 in strong inversion  Signal to noise ratio is proportional to: m≤1/2 If C and I are reduced by the same factor SNR improves. The game pays till charge sharing and inter-pixel capacitance come into play Strategy: have (reasonably) small pixels at the very front-end and group them afterwards according to the required space resolution.

9 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Sensor segmentation (2)  For a full parallel read-out sensor size is also limited by the pitch of the metal lines.  The technology allows for at least five very dense metal layers, possible to have full reticle chips with LHC-grade pixels. nwellcollection diode Pmosinput device. nwellcollection diode Pmosinput device. In practice, to minimize the electrode capacitance and maximize the signal the electrode size will be much smaller than the pixel pitch. One or two metal lines are needed for every pixel Metal routing and sensor layout must obey the pattern density rules.

10 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Options for resetting the input transistor Bias circuit Processing electronics Continuous reset with diodes Bias circuit Processing electronics Vref Continuous reset with transistor Bias circuit Processing electronics Vref Pulsed reset Vref Vctrl

11 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Sensor simulations Pixel used in this simulation was 50  m x 50  m. With the highest resistivity substrate available 80  m depletion with 100 V

12 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Sensor read-out: source follower configuration bias VTH  Only one external line per pixel.  The rise time of the signal, but not its final amplitude sensitive to the parasitic capacitance of the line. The current signal is converted to a voltage step by integration on the input parasitic capacitance (~ 10 fF). The voltage step is sensed at the source and fed to a preamplifier- shaper-discriminator chain.  Stack of only two transistors.  Margin to operate the sensor at low power supply (0.6 V).  Enough headroom for leakage induced DC variations.

13 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Voltage-mode read-out simulations Power constrained to 1  W per channel, (sensor, amplifier discriminator). 10 mW/cm 2 for 100  m x 100  m pixels 10 fF input capacitance and 1200 electrons signal assumed. Line capacitance 2 pF. Peak about 60 mV. ENC 40 electrons

14 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Possible analogue measurement with ToT Minimum signal to have response within 25 ns is about 2500 electrons. Time over threshold can be explored to recover the timing. Trade-off between digital and analogue power consumption ENC 40 electrons rms. SNR of 15 for 600 electron signal. Response delay of 50 ns for 600 electrons. Time over threshold Time walk

15 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Current-mode read-out The current signal is converted to a voltage step by integration on the input parasitic capacitance (~ 10 fF).  Stack of up to six transistors, possible because of weak inversion operation.  Two lines per pixel.  Current read-out allows for very compact current comparator and a more compact front-end cell. bias ITH bias The voltage signal is converted back to a current by the in-pixel transistor. Both line capacitances play an important role in the shaping of the signal.

16 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Current-mode readout simulations With current mode 25 ns timing is achieved for 600 electrons and 2  W of power Time over threshold works also for the current mode approach. Time over threshold Time walk

17 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Jitter performance

18 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Matrix readout  Signals are sent in analog form towards the periphery of the matrix.  The clock is distributed only in the periphery.  All NMOS device must be in triple well to insulate them from the “hot” substrate. Custom digital library is needed.  Particular care to manage SEE given the small feature size of the technology.

19 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Matrix readout issues  Analog power basically determined by SNR required. Easily predicted once the analog blocks are defined.  Digital power dependent on the switching activity, so it can be quite different even for the same architecture working under different occupancy conditions.  Area and power must be minimized Data storage is a critical item. Only storage of valid hits.  High pixel granularity is dictated by the optimization of the analog power. Grouping of pixels after the very front-end if space resolution and occupancy requirements allow it.  If the detector has to contribute to trigger primitives also data transmission becomes a very critical issue.  The power of a standard high-speed LVDS transmitter is already a few milli- watts, with a few links the digital power consumption will exceed the analog one.

20 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Prototyping plans  A first submission is in preparation before the end of the year.  Several matrices with different sensor optimization will be implemented.  Sensors will be read-out with a maps-like architecture.  A few simplified front-ends with preamp-shaper and current readout will be also implemented  The design will be already use higher resistivity wafers.  A prototype with more elaborated front.-end and first digital readout schemes will be developed within next year.

21 A. Rivetti Villa Olmo, 7/10/2009 Conclusions  A cooperative research effort being established between CERN, INFN and IReS to investigate new type of monolithic sensors.  Technique: commercial very deep submicron CMOS implemented on lightly doped substrates.  Sensors simulation are very encouraging.  A first submission to the foundry scheduled very soon.  First experimental results expected early in 2010.

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