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Working with Awarding Bodies This is a subtitle Design and develop qualifications with rigorous assessment processes which are valued by learners, providers,

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2 Working with Awarding Bodies

3 This is a subtitle Design and develop qualifications with rigorous assessment processes which are valued by learners, providers, employers and universities. The UK Regulators are: –Ofqual (England) –CCEA Northern Ireland) –Welsh Government (Wales) –SQA (Scotland). We are also accountable to DfE, BIS, Professional Bodies, employers and universities What do Awarding Bodies do?

4 This is a subtitle Assess and demonstrate the need Co-creation Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) Technical Guidance (e.g. size (TQT); level; design; development; internal/external assessment and grading Aim and Purpose Fit for Purpose: –Valid –Reliable –Comparable –Manageable –Minimising Bias SUPPORT Regulatory Requirements

5 This is a subtitle ‘Direct line of sight’ to workplace – employer ownership and involvement Only DfE approved qualifications count in Performance Tables Criteria include: –External Assessment –Synoptic Assessment –Grading –Employer/Professional Body/University support –One resit opportunity only Applied General or Technical Level qualifications only DfE Reform of 16-19 Qualifications

6 TechBac: BACCALAUREATE APPROACHES SEVEN KEY WORKPLACE SKILLS: Communication Digital Skills Enterprise Delivering Results Innovation Self-development Workplace Literacy Direct line of sight to workExtended Project Qualification DfE approved Tech Level Qualifications (TLQ) at the heart - designed by industry practitioners TLQs carry up to 420 UCAS points, dependent on size and grade Work placement Online mentoring Learners complete a project in their technical area, ideally related to real work placement challenges Promotes independent learning through planning, research, evaluation and problem solving 120GLH and carries UCAS points (70 – 20, dependent on grade) AssessmentLaunch timetable Externally set and marked on-line assessment AND externally set, internally marked synoptic assessment, usually practical Pioneer 2014 onwards Early Years, Engineering, Digital/IT, Construction Pioneer 2016 onwards includes Building Services, Business, Hair/Beauty, Health and Social Care, Hospitality/Catering, Land based, Performing Arts, Sport, Transport, Travel, Art, Design, Creative and Media Up to 490 UCAS points for whole TechBac….

7 This is a subtitle External Assessment (min 40%) Synoptic Assessment Applied skills and knowledge Graded Declared purpose and size (min 150 GLH) Recognition (3 letters of support from HEIs including HE in FE Colleges) Tracking learners’ progress Applied General Qualifications

8 This is a subtitle Designed to address concerns about vocational learners being insufficiently prepared for university study Developing Higher Level Study skills Preparing for university and other higher level study career options Higher Level Studies Qualification

9 This is a subtitle Existing Apprenticeships seen as bureaucratic and not meeting employer needs New Apprenticeships: –Employer designed and owned –End assessment – no qualifications necessarily –Higher Apprenticeships – one third of standards are at Level 4 and above –Partnerships – HE is central to delivery, Awarding Bodies can deal with bureaucracy, funding and QA Apprenticeship Reforms

10 This is a subtitle University and Awarding Body Vocational Qualifications Committee: –Awareness and understanding by both parties –Identify, disseminate and promote benefits of collaboration –Test and facilitate approaches –Supporting partnerships and contacts –Support UCAS Tariff nominations –Explore joint working on higher level Apprenticeships –Advice to other sector bodies (e.g. CIMSPA) UVAC and the FAB HE Forum

11 This is a subtitle How can we overcome identified issues? How can Awarding Bodies assist with Widening Participation challenges? How can Awarding Bodies support the development of higher level Apprenticeships? How can we better prepare our learners for University success? Discussion Tables

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