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Your Logo Identification, Preparation and Dissemination of Hydrogen Safety Facts to Regulators and Public Safety Officials Presented by Christian Machens.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Logo Identification, Preparation and Dissemination of Hydrogen Safety Facts to Regulators and Public Safety Officials Presented by Christian Machens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Logo Identification, Preparation and Dissemination of Hydrogen Safety Facts to Regulators and Public Safety Officials Presented by Christian Machens HyFacts Project Manager (TÜV SÜD Akademie)

2 Your Logo Background Project duration: February 2011 – July 2013 (30 Months) European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking funding of 1 M€ Fuel Cell and Hydrogen (FCH) technologies new to the public domain Knowledge gap on hydrogen safety and environmental issues – Building regulations, local regulations, public safety and permission of technical installations or earlier in project development Need to inform decision making institutions Need for more effective approval procedures for hydrogen installations Content: – Permission problems – technology – actual research results – realised projects and the – regulations, codes and standards (RCS) currently in effect.

3 Your Logo Coordinator: TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH Consortium

4 Your Logo Objectives Promotion of safe and environmentally friendly use of hydrogen Develop modular training material for regulators and safety officials – Focus on hydrogen safety approaches and standards Provide knowledge to decision making institutions Shorten approval process for hydrogen installations and their use Develop a vision and road-map for permanent training activities

5 Your Logo Audience Regulators and safety officials dealing with Fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) installations Address audiences to facilitate commercialisation of – Hydrogen refuelling stations – Decentralised hydrogen production – Hydrogen storage and distribution systems – Stationary fuel cells for combined production of heat and power (CHP)

6 Your Logo Technical Content Collection of technical material to be used to create training material: All properties of hydrogen to be considered with regards to safety and environmental aspects Safety approaches developed to ensure the safety of hydrogen technology based products Safety approaches and requirements set by standards (published or under development) and their relationship with the above knowledge base Implementation of requirements in different applications, installations, and products

7 Your Logo Technical Content Potentially hazardous phenomena and safety approaches – Diffusivity and permeation – Metal embrittlement – Releases and formation of flammable Hydrogen-air mixtures, – Ignitions – Explosions – Pressure effects Applied standards and safety practices Actual product implementation and installations in EU (examples) Actual status of certification processes in some EU member states

8 Your Logo Audience identification Database of nearly 2.000 contacts Individual regulators and code officials Public safety and regulator organisations – National government, municipality, regional safety officials Project managers – European and national coordinated projects Hydrogen safety engineers – Fire brigades, Emergency services Training institutions Research/Academic Industry

9 Your Logo Online Survey Building authorities, local environment and safety agencies, emergency services, fire brigades, training institutions for regulators and public safety officials Structure Function of interviewee – Provide background of audience – Confirm level of relevance Format of Training Course – Current experiences with training courses – Focus in selected countries: D, UK, IT, BE, FR Suggestions on format of education/training course – Structure, format, frequency, method, and audience of a training program What should be included in the course? – Evaluation of 26 topical subjects

10 Your Logo Results of Survey Have provided insight on – Further definition of target audience for training package Target group is safety officials. They are very interested in participating in the test-courses – Current trainings on H 2 and FCs in Europe Most members of target group did not yet receive a H2-specific training – Appropriate format and length 1 to 2 days – Topics to be addressed Safety related topics as well as regulatory questions

11 Your Logo Training package Slides Handout Pictures Diagrams Tables Videos

12 Your Logo Training material

13 Your Logo Implementation of training package Short Course – 2 to 5 days duration (modular concept) – 3 “test courses” during project for feed-back and improvements 2 days at TÜV SÜD (Germany) on 11/12.September 2012 5 days at University of Ulster (GB) on 21 st to 25 th January 2013 2 days at FAST/EHA in Italy (not scheduled yet) Online distance learning – Facilitated through Teaching material will be downloadable from project homepage Information of the target group about the project on fairs, conferences, by mail and personal contacts as well as relevant print media and others.

14 Your Logo Thank you very much! Christian Machens

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