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The scientist collected _______ of some germs that could make people sick. a) observerobserverb) specimensspecimensc) eruptederuptedd) scouredscoured.

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Presentation on theme: "The scientist collected _______ of some germs that could make people sick. a) observerobserverb) specimensspecimensc) eruptederuptedd) scouredscoured."— Presentation transcript:



3 The scientist collected _______ of some germs that could make people sick. a) observerobserverb) specimensspecimensc) eruptederuptedd) scouredscoured

4 specimens – plural noun - items or parts typical of a group


6 The area was filled with lava after the volcano ________. a) researchresearchb) observerobserverc) specimensspecimensd) eruptederupted

7 erupted – verb – forced out or burst forth.

8 We ______ the pan with cleanser until it shone. a) specimensspecimensb) eruptederuptedc) scouredscouredd) biologybiology

9 scoured – verb – cleaned, cleared or worn away

10 The _____ teacher enjoyed the study of plants. a) biologybiologyb) murkymurkyc) dormantdormantd) researchresearch

11 biology – adjective – characterized by the study of living things

12 It was scary sitting in the row boat because there was ______ water all around us. a) eruptederuptedb) biologybiologyc) murkymurkyd) dormantdormant

13 murky – adjective – dark or cloudy

14 Many tourists visited the _______ volcano because the chance of an eruption was low. a) scouredscouredb) biologybiologyc) murkymurkyd) dormantdormant

15 dormant – adjective – temporarily quiet or not active

16 Fawn had to do a lot of _______ at the library before she wrote her paper. a) murkymurkyb) dormantdormantc) researchresearchd) observerobserver

17 research – noun – a careful study to find and learn facts about a subject

18 The nature photographer was a keen ______ of flowers and insects. a) dormantdormantb) researchresearchc) observerobserverd) specimensspecimens

19 observer – noun – a person who watches carefully and with attention

20 Susan Ging Lent Production

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