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Stroud Village and Community Hall Network – Mar 2011 Policies – which ones do we need and which ones would we write in case of ….

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Presentation on theme: "Stroud Village and Community Hall Network – Mar 2011 Policies – which ones do we need and which ones would we write in case of …."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stroud Village and Community Hall Network – Mar 2011 Policies – which ones do we need and which ones would we write in case of ….

2 What is the purpose of a policy? It is a guideline from which to make decisions It should lay down basic principles Help to provide clarity when dealing with issues and activities Provide instructions for staff, volunteers and users to follow to help develop consistency

3 Policies in a Village Hall context Duty of care under charity/ common law Ensure adherence to legislation e.g. Health & safety Confidence when considering hiring the hall to other organisations e.g. adult education providers Evidence of good practice – Hallmark scheme Funding bodies

4 Type’s of Policies Health & safety Equal Opportunities Environmental Financial Policy Children & Vulnerable People

5 Type’s of Policies How to recruit new trustees How to attract new groups to use the hall Similar to equal opportunities may have ‘accessibility’ or discrimination policy Volunteer policy e.g. expenses, commitment to training

6 Health & Safety Policy Legal requirement for employers with more than 5 employees You have to take ‘reasonable and practicable steps’ Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Duty of care applies to all organisations Could invalidate your insurance Litigatious culture – court would not look favourably

7 Health & Safety Policy Start with a general statement Key areas of responsibility – who does what Arrangements and procedures – lay out the systems you should have in place e.g. accident reporting Important to gain commitment from all committee members – collective responsibility Key to this is process

8 Health & Safety Policy Should include engagement by everyone who use the hall Should be signed and dated and on display Should include for example how to report an accident Fire safety and evacuation procedure’s Protection of volunteers/ employees when working alone

9 Health & Safety Policy Health & Hygiene considerations, general level of cleanliness Elements of it incorporated into your hiring agreement Clear communication About not just words on a piece of paper but how it works in practice

10 Financial Policy Protect your selves from criticism ‘Best practice’ Could include ‘Rainy day’ fund statement Cheque signing Payment procedures

11 Equal Opportunities Policy Often get elements of this through the objects of your governing document “Use of the inhabitants of ……. Without distinction of political, religious or other opinions” Sometimes also accessibility policy Important to have this

12 Environmental Policy Often required for funding applications e.g. Gloucestershire Environmental Trust (but not obligatory) Compliments other strategic aims e.g. local parish or district council Can help to save you money Something we can’t ignore?

13 Hiring Policy Recommended for example regarding parties for younger people Helpful to reflect governing document ie. Local groups cheaper rate than bookings from someone outside the village Ensure consistency Useful for new committee members Protect your selves from criticism

14 Children & Vulnerable Users Duty of care especially in this area - policy seen as a ‘Statement of intent’ Not essential for V&CHalls but may consider if house day care, playgroups AND volunteers/ employees are left alone with children Or when the hall management committee run events when this situation is likely to arise

15 Children & Vulnerable Users Must ensure hirers are made aware of their responsibilities (their relevant policies procedures and checks) CRB checking – lot of criticism Government has brought in changes Introduction of ISA scheme merging with current CRB

16 Children & Vulnerable Users Only those with close and regular contact with children and vulnerable adults will need to undergo checks Separated into a Vulnerable Adults List and ‘Children’s List’ Based on frequency of activity May be required by funders

17 Final note A member of Parliament said to Disraeli: “Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.” “That depends, Sir,” said Disraeli, “whether I embrace your policies or your mistress.”

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