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What To Say To Sell For Agent Use Only Products Not Available In All States.

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Presentation on theme: "What To Say To Sell For Agent Use Only Products Not Available In All States."— Presentation transcript:

1 What To Say To Sell For Agent Use Only Products Not Available In All States

2 Who Is Medico? Medico began operations in 1930 and we are proud to call Omaha, Nebraska our home. In 1966, Congress passed and President Lyndon B Johnson signed into law The Medicare Act. In response to a growing need, the first Medicare Supplement Plan was introduced in 1971. Medico entered the market in 1975 and has been dedicated to serving the Senior Market ever since. Our product portfolio has since evolved to fulfill the insurance needs of American’s ages 18-89.

3 Core Products for your clients!  Recovery Care Platinum  Similar to Long-Term Care, but shorter duration  Covers Home Health Care, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, Adult Day Care & Hospice  Provides benefits for assistance with ADLs  Pays in addition to Medicare  First Diagnosis Cancer  Pays cash in one lump sum upon pathological diagnosis of internal cancer or malignant melanoma  Applicant can use the cash however they see fit  no claim forms  Pays in addition to Medicare  Dental, Vision & Hearing  Provides benefits for all three services in one policy  No Network – See any dentist  Pays in addition to Medicare

4 What you say to sell Recovery Care?  Do you know anyone who has ever been in a nursing home?  Did their insurance cover everything? If not, how did they cover the costs?  Did they go to the best facility, or just one they could afford?  Do you know anyone who has needed temporary help after a medical procedure?  Did their loved ones have to miss work to help take care of them?  Did they need help with everyday things? (dressing bathing, going to the bathroom, eating, moving around, etc.)  Do you have the resources to cover an extended stay in a facility?  Do you want to leave your loved ones something when you pass?  Do you want your family to be financially responsible for this?  Raise the questions and get your clients talking. Where there is a story, there is a sale!

5 Helpful Information  Your best resource for understanding what Medicare covers is the Medicare Buyer’s Guide, provided by CMS.  What Should You Know When Selling Recovery Care?  Medicare Covers Inpatient Skilled Nursing Care  BUT only if it’s necessary to treat an improving medical condition AND services are provided at a Medicare approved facility AND the person spent 3 days as an inpatient at a hospital (page 35)  Medicare Covers Home Health Care  BUT only if it’s ordered by a Medicare approved physician AND the person is incapable of leaving the home AND services are rendered by a Medicare approved provider AND the person requires more than just assistance with activities of daily living. (page 32)  Medicare Doesn’t Cover Assisted Living or Adult Day Care – But Medico’s Short-Term Recovery Care does!  FACT: According to CMS, 70% of people 65+ will need Long-Term Care Services at some point (page 122).  FACT: Medicare DOES NOT COVER any services related to Long- Term Care.

6 What do you say to sell a Cancer policy?  First Diagnosis Cancer  Do you know anyone who has had cancer?  Did their insurance cover everything? If not,  how did they cover those expenses?  Do you have a cancer plan?  Do you have the savings to cover the  additional costs that may come with a  cancer diagnosis?  Will you have to go back to work  afterwards to rebuild your nest egg?  If you have a plan (or are looking at  getting a plan) do you want to submit  clam forms every time you receive  treatment?  There are no magic words that will  guarantee a sale, but asking the right  questions could get you a sale  50% of the time.

7 Helpful Information  Medicare Covers Chemotherapy  BUT the individual will still be responsible for 20% of the Medicare approved cost AND the provider must accept Medicare benefit assignments (page 39).  Medicare Doesn’t Cover Experimental or Other Non-traditional Cancer Treatments  PDP “Donut Hole”  Medicare Won’t Cover Other Costs Associated With a Cancer Diagnosis  Missed Work  Child Care  Travel Expenses  Funeral Expenses

8 What do you say to sell a DVH?  Dental, Vision & Hearing  Are you interested in dental coverage?  If not, are you going to the dentist as often as you should be?  Would you be more likely to go if you could offset some of the costs?  What about vision and hearing coverage?  As your eyes change, are you going to put off  updating prescriptions?  Would you benefit from having all three  services covered in one policy? Remember that you know more about insurance than your client, and they’re relying on you to ask the right questions!

9 Helpful Information  Most people are used to having dental coverage, but may not know you offer it  Medicare and Medicare Supplements Do not offer ANY benefits for the following:  Dental Care  Eyeglasses  Hearing Aides  Hearing Aide Exams

10 Be Prepared  Make sure you have reviewed the product  Make sure you have a brochure and application with you (or MyEnroller)  Make sure you have a plan to talk about the product  Commit to one question or transition, we have given you some ideas

11 Who is the target client?  Your current clients  Many of the best agents forget that their current clients are their best leads.  You have a relationship and you know what their needs are.  For all the products we went through  MA, Med Supp insureds  Clients under 65, all products issue at 18  HSA, HRAs, all high deductible plans

12 If you have questions please contact Agent Services: 800.547.2401 (option 3)

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