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Transforming Agriculture in Sierra Leone

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1 Transforming Agriculture in Sierra Leone
Presentation at SLARI Retreat October 26-28, 2015 by Robert Kagbo, Ph.D. Consultant

2 Where SL Is Where SL Wants to Go How Does It Get There
Outline Where SL Is Where SL Wants to Go How Does It Get There

3 Where SL is

4 Upland Rice Cultivation – Sierra Leone

5 Upland Rice Mixed Farming

6 Inland Valley Swamp Rice Cultivation

7 Makali Irrigation Scheme - Tonkolili

8 Grain Drying Floor – Sierra Leone

9 Rice Areas, Production, and Yields in Sierra Leone
Year Area (Ha) Production (mt) Yield (ton/ha) Self-Sufficiency (%) 2001 258,850 310,620 1.20 37.93 2006 422,556 563,000 1.33 62.15 2013 671,422 1,255 1.87 119.93 Source: PEMSD/MAFFS

10 Where SL Wants to Go (Indonesian Example)

11 Water Diversion - Irrigation

12 Mini Dam

13 President - Rice Seed Production Association

14 Rice Seed Drying Floor

15 IR 64 Rice Seed – 5 Kg

16 Rice and Chili Pepper Nursery

17 Rice-Based Multiple Cropping

18 Manual Rice Harvesting and Threshing

19 Foot Operated Rice Thresher

20 Rice Pedal Thresher

21 Vegetables Production – Pilot Farm

22 Citrus Pilot Farmer

23 Backyard Fish Pond

24 Household Poultry Raising

25 Household Livestock Raising

26 Road Side Vendor

27 Cassava Products

28 Agro-Processing & Packaging

29 How Does SL Get There

30 Role of Sierra Leone Government
Strong Political Will Backed by Resources Maximum use of Nationals in Development Government Provides Basic Services Incentive Package for Local Entrepreneurs Good Infrastructure and Communication Investment Priorities in Areas of High Potential Maximum Use of Water Resources Reasonable Taxes on Ag Goods

FARM PRODUCE (MARKET) PROCESSED PRODUCE (MARKET) CONSUMERS (SOCIETY) (INDUSTRY) R&D PRODUCTION Farmers Development Agents Credit Providers Ag Input Suppliers Farmers - Bulky Product Short Shelf Life Limited Market - Low Farmer Prices Agronomists Breeders Soil Scientists Farmers Agro-Processors Entrepreneurs - Range of Products - Increased Shelf Life - Reduced Volume - Expanded Markets - Better Prices Feedback

32 Linking Farmers to Markets

33 World Hope’s Strategic Approach
Organized 157 Farmers Groups to supply fruit to its Subsidiary Africa Felix Juice WHI Extension mobilize farmers to bring fruit to Buying Centers AFJ buys the Fruit at one Price that is Partly Determined by Global Trends Fruit is Processed by AFJ into Concentrate or Juice for Export to Europe

34 Tour of the AFJ Factory by the VC Training Participants

35 Demonstration of Sucker Curing/Disinfection Before Planting

36 Removing stumps for plowing after brushing pineapple farm

37 Manual plowing of pineapple farm to reduce inputs reimbursement burden

38 Sorting suckers into four sizes prior to planting

39 Planting of suckers in rows and on raised beds

40 Demonstration of fertilizer weighing to ensure application of correct dose

41 Basal Fertilizer Application


43 Weeding of pineapple farm




47 Take Home Message Until The Farm Produce Ends Up to the Consumer Our Work is Not FINISHED!!!



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