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SUPPORTING SIGMA SERVICE PROJECTS Soror Brigitte Cook- International Programs Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "SUPPORTING SIGMA SERVICE PROJECTS Soror Brigitte Cook- International Programs Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUPPORTING SIGMA SERVICE PROJECTS Soror Brigitte Cook- International Programs Coordinator

2 Purpose To encourage fulfillment of the mission of the sorority, expand implementation of National Programs and expand the outreach and impact of the services provided by the members

3 Objective Provide information and training to the members about National Programs and reporting requirements

4 Goals  Definitions of National Programs  Understand reporting requirements

5 Our Mission Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority's aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmark of the organization's programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically, and economically.

6 Project Reassurance: Sigma Gamma Rho Signature Service Program Purpose: To combat the problem of teen pregnancy by addressing four major touch points: Physical Health, Mental Health, Safe Communities, Protecting the Future Theme H3 – It’s All About Me Healthy Choices, Healthy Living Healthy Generations Strategic Partnerships March of Dimes The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancies Centers for Disease Control

7 Project Reassurance: Sigma Gamma Rho Signature Service Program Annual National Youth Symposium Theme: As Determined by Grand Basileus Objective: To provide youth with tools and information to make healthier choices for themselves and their families through educational workshops and activities Activities: Held the second Saturday of each March in conjunction with Sigma Week Hosted simultaneously by graduate chapters across the nation National, regional and local publicity

8 Project Reassurance: Sigma Gamma Rho Signature Service Program March of Dimes Theme: March for Babies Objective: To raise funds in support of the March of Dimes initiatives to prevent premature births Activities: Participation in the March of Dimes “ March for Babies” Goal: $1,922.00 per chapter

9 Mwanimugimu National Essay Contest Purpose: To provide opportunities that allow structured ways to learn about Africa; heighten awareness of African cultural heritage; and improve writing and research skills. Theme: “ From Small Acorns Come Mighty Oaks” Scope: Local, regional and national Activities: Publicize the contest in local media Recruit participants Serve as tutors and writing coaches Essay evaluation Awards and recognition

10 Program for Africa Purpose: To address the needs of the women of Africa financially, educationally and civically UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW CRITERIA COMING SOON

11 Project Wee Savers Purpose: To teach youth the importance of saving, investment and the value of credit Target Audience: Children 6-18 years of age Goals: Develop an awareness of various banking facilities and their available services. Become knowledgeable of the real life skills of saving and buying stocks Experience the real life skills of basic investing Set specific goals attainable through monitoring and mentoring of money and activities Develop an awareness of the important of credit and credit ratings

12 Operation Big Book Bag Purpose: To provide school supplies to children primarily in homeless shelters, hospitals, foster care or selected facilities. Scope: Local, regional and national Activities: Donate supplies ranging from book bags to computers Tutor and/or mentor at local facilities Provide access to reference material and study

13 Hattie McDaniels Health Initiative Purpose: Provide education on and active support of early detection and research for the prevention and cure of breast, prostate, ovarian, colon and other types of cancers Scope: Local, regional and local Goals: Increase awareness of cancer screening and prevention options Provide materials and information Partner with local health providers Conduct informational workshops and seminars

14 National Report Revised Year End Report Form/Data Collection

15 National Report Purpose: To record, quantify and analyze the results of our national programs and community service projects. Scope: Local, regional and local Goals: Evaluate the effectiveness of national programs and projects Provide data for grant proposals and other external funding sources Enable us to effectively communicate the community impact of our work worldwide.

16 Benefits of New Form Electronic version of the National Report launched in 2010 Revision from Word form to Excel document User-friendly Efficient data collection Increase accuracy through built in math calculations if completed electronically Written confirmation of receipt of the report by HQ

17 Implementation June 2010 – December 2010 Chapters utilize new process and electronic format Provide feedback and suggestions to the national committee at: Evaluation based feedback from chapters April 2011 Revised report ready for year end data entry

18 Compile Types of Reports National Programs and Projects Community Service (Local) Program Results of the event # Attendees by age range and gender Donations – In-kind and cash Sponsors, Partners and speakers

19 Data Entry Access the National Report on the Sorors Only Section 1. Click tab International Projects. (Note: Located lower level of the worksheet.) 2. Click the drop-down menu for International Service Organization/Program Name. Select one of the International Service Organization then Click Tab.

20 Data Entry Enter the value for Total Service Hrs then Click Tab Enter the value for Chapter Expenses then Click Tab Click the drop-down menu for Donation Type. Select one of the Donation Type. Click Tab. Enter the amount

21 Data Entry Enter the values for each Female Attendees: Ages 11-16, 17-24 and 25+ Enter the values for each Male Attendees: Ages 11-16, 17-24 and 25+

22 Data Entry Access the National Report on the Sorors Only Section 1. Click tab Community Service Projects. 2. Type the Community Service Organization/Project Name

23 Data Entry Click the tab Year End ReportType in Chapter Name, click tab Type in EIN, click tab Click the Drop Down Menu for location Enter the values for Active Members from last year, click tab

24 Data Entry Click the tab Year End ReportType in Chapter Name, click tab Type in EIN, click tab Click the Drop Down Menu for location Enter the values for Active Members from last year, click tab

25 Evaluate Analyze Goals versus actual results Successes Opportunities for growth Feedback and follow-up

26 Q & A

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