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There are approximately 100 trillion (10 14 ) cells in the human body! wikipedia.

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1 There are approximately 100 trillion (10 14 ) cells in the human body! wikipedia

2 Cell Central Dogma: DNA  RNA  PROTEINS wikipedia

3 wikipedia

4 There are more bacterial cells in the body than human cells!

5 Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell!

6 Three hundred million cells die in the human body every minute!

7 Every day an adult body produces 300 billion new cells!

8 wikipedia

9 Blood circulates 20-30 trillion red blood cells! wikipedia

10 The largest cell is an ostrich egg (3.3 lbs) and the smallest cell is Mycoplasma bacteria

11 There are 2 meters (6.5 ft) of DNA in the nucleus of a human cell! The whole body contains 10-20 billion miles (16-32 billion km)!

12 Most of the RNA mass of a cell is found in the ribosomes!

13 Did you know that you inherit your mitochondria from you mother? wikipedia

14 The mitochondrion is considered the “powerhouse” of the cell!

15 The number of mitochondria per cell varies between one and 10,000, and averages about 200! Each cell in the human liver has over 1,000 mitochondria!

16 At any instant each cell contains about one billion ATP molecules! About 10 23 or one sextillion ATP molecules normally exist in the body!

17 One estimate puts the human brain at about 100 billion (10 11 ) neurons and 100 trillion (10 14 ) synapses! wikipedia

18 RNA that can act like enzymes are called ribozymes!

19 Did you know that the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton are responsible for creating dandruff?

20 The Golgi apparatus is integral in modifying, sorting, and packaging these macromolecules for cell secretion (exocytosis) or use within the cell. The Golgi apparatus is like UPS! wikipedia

21 In the pancreas, the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) produces insulin. Endoplasmic means "within the cytoplasm", and reticulum means "little net"

22 Centrioles are a very important part of centrosomes, which are involved in organizing microtubules in the cytoplasm. Microtubules are an important component of the cytoskeleton! wikipedia

23 Mitochondria have their own DNA, ribosomes and can make their own proteins. Similar to bacteria, mitochondria have circular DNA and replicate by a reproductive process called fission.

24 Evolutionary theory holds to the endosymbiotic theory, it is thought that the organelles inside eukaryotes such as mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotes that took up residence inside eukaryotic cytoplasm. We do not uphold this theory due to irreducible complexity

25 The inner membrane of a mitochondrion is folded into compartments called cristae (meaning "box"). The matrix, or inner space created by the cristae, contains the enzymes necessary for the many chemical reactions that eventually transform food molecules into energy.

26 Smooth ER has many different functions, including the manufacture of lipids (fatlike materials), the transport of proteins, and the transmission of nerve messages.

27 The Golgi body most unusually shaped organelles. Looking somewhat like a stack of pancakes, the Golgi body consists of a pile of membrane-bounded, flattened sacs. Surrounding the Golgi body are numerous small membrane-bounded vesicles

28 Microtubules also form small, paired structures called centrioles within animal cells. These structures are not considered organelles because they are not bounded by membranes. Centrioles are involved in the process of cell division (reproduction).

29 The three types of cytoskeletal fibers are microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments.

30 Within the nucleus, DNA is translated into a molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). MRNA then leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores. Once in the cytoplasm, mRNA attaches to ribosomes and initiates protein synthesis

31 Some vesicles, as noted above, are used to transport molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi body and from the Golgi body to various destinations. Special kinds of vesicles perform other functions as well. Lysosomes are vesicles that contain enzymes involved in cellular digestion

32 Blood makes up around 7% of the weight of a human body. Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These blood cells float in a yellow liquid called blood plasma. Blood plasma is made up of 90% water and also contains various nutrients, electrolytes, gases, proteins, glucose and hormones.

33 Red blood cells develop in bone marrow and circulate in the body for around 120 days. Red blood cells have the important job of carrying oxygen around the body. They also contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contains iron which combines with oxygen to give hemoglobin and our blood, a red color.

34 Grouping human blood types can be a difficult process and there are currently around 30 recognized blood types (or blood groups). You might be familiar with the more simplified “ABO” system which categorizes blood types under O, A, B and AB. Do you know which blood type you are? Many generous humans around the world give blood donations every year. This blood is used in important blood transfusions or made into medication

35 Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys. 4.5 million Americans will a need blood transfusion each year. Blood carries away from the body waste matter and carbon dioxide.

36 Two million red blood cells die every second. By donating just one pint of blood, three lives can be saved. There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.

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