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The Atlantic World, 1492 – 1800. Columbus’s Voyage Paves the Way Aug. 3, 1492 = Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria set sails Oct. 12, 1492 = Columbus reaches.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atlantic World, 1492 – 1800. Columbus’s Voyage Paves the Way Aug. 3, 1492 = Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria set sails Oct. 12, 1492 = Columbus reaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atlantic World, 1492 – 1800

2 Columbus’s Voyage Paves the Way Aug. 3, 1492 = Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria set sails Oct. 12, 1492 = Columbus reaches the Caribbean He thinks he is in the East Indies & calls the natives “los indios” The land he came to is now called the West Indies The original inhabitants in the Americas became known as Indians Columbus claimed the island for Spain & called it San Salvador, or “Holy Savior”

3 Christopher Columbus Spain agreed to finance 3 more journeys for Columbus On his second voyage, he began to set up colonies for Spain in the Caribbean

4 Other Explorers Take to the Seas 1500 = Pedro Alvares Cabral of Portugal reaches modern-day Brazil 1501 = Amerigo Vespucci explored the eastern coast of South America Italian sailing for Portugal He returned to tell everyone it isn’t Asia, but a whole “new world” 1507 = German mapmaker named the new continent America after Vespucci

5 Other Explorers Take to the Seas Early 1500’s = Vasco Nunez de Balboa of Spain walked across Panama & viewed the Pacific Ocean 1519 = Ferdinand Magellan wanted to explore the new ocean Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain He left with 230 men and 5 ships After sailing the large Pacific Ocean, the crew was greatly reduced by disease & starvation When they reached the Philippines, Magellan got involved in a local war & was killed The crew continued to sail west 1522 = Magellan’s crew return with one ship & 18 men They were the first to sail around the world


7 Spain Builds an American Empire 1519 = Hernando Cortes and the conquistadors looked to colonize the mainland of the Americas Eventually, Spain colonizes modern-day Southwest USA, Mexico, and South America

8 Cortes Conquers the Aztecs Cortes was originally welcomed into Tenochtitlan by the Aztec emperor Montezuma II By 1520, the Aztecs drove the Spaniards out due to their greed for gold 1521 = Cortes and the conquistadors fight back & defeat the Aztecs

9 Reasons for Spain’s Victory 1) superior weaponry Muskets & cannons vs. arrows 2) enlisted many of the surrounding tribes to fight against the Aztecs 3) disease Measles, mumps, smallpox, typhus, etc. The natives didn’t have a built up immune system to these foreign diseases

10 Pizarro Subdues the Incas 1532 = Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas in South America Pizarro met with Atahualpa ( the Incan ruler) & captured him Atahualpa offered gold & silver as ransom for his return Spain takes the ransom & kills Atahualpa Pizarro was able to conquer the rest easily

11 Spain’s Pattern of Conquest Spanish settlers were known as peninsulares Intermarriages were common between the Spaniards & Natives Mestizo = mixed between Spaniards & Native Americans Spain oppressed the Natives Encomienda = Natives forced to farm, ranch, or mine for Spanish landlords The Spanish landlords promised the Spanish authorities in Europe that they would treat the workers fairly

12 Conquistadors Push North 1513 = Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain 1540 = Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores the Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas) He found little gold, so Spain began to send priests to explore & colonize the Southwest

13 Opposition to Spanish Rule Spanish priests worked to spread Christianity to improve the treatment of the Native Americans Due to the writings from a Dominican monk Bartolome’ de Las Casas & other priests, Spanish authorities in Europe abolished the encomienda system in 1542 They began to have labor shortages Las Casas suggested the use of Africans instead because they were stronger & more resistant to the diseases He later changed his view & denounced slavery, but it was too late!

14 Competing Claims in North America Other European nations wanted their own American colonies after seeing Spain & Portugal’s success.

15 European Nations Settle North America France, England, and Holland tried to find another route to the Pacific, but they were unsuccessful They settled colonies in North America instead

16 A Trading Empire New France = 65,000 population Many French colonists had no desires to build towns or raise families They wanted to convert the Natives Young single men came for economic opportunities Started the fur trade Beaver skin hats became popular in Europe

17 The English Settle at Jamestown 1608 = English settled Jamestown with 100 settlers & 3 ships after receiving finances from King James The colonists started out horrible because they were more interested in finding gold than planting crops During the first few years, 7 out of every 10 people died of hunger, disease, or fighting with the Natives Eventually, Jamestown will slowly become a profitable colony Cash crop = tobacco

18 Puritans Create a “New England” 1620 = Pilgrims left religious persecution in England & settled Plymouth, Massachusetts 1628 = Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay while escaping religious persecution in England Both of these settlements were mostly families & became very successful

19 The Dutch Found New Netherland 1609 = Henry Hudson explored 3 waterways now called Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait (englishmen sailing for the Dutch) The Dutch claimed the land around these waterways & started a fur trade with the Iroquois They built trading posts at Orange (now Albany) & on Manhattan Island Started the Dutch West India Company Expanded their territory & trade 1621 = New Netherland is colonized Attracts a diverse population due to religious toleration (Dutch, Germans, French, & Scandinavians that were Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, & Jews)

20 Colonizing the Caribbean French = Haiti, Guadeloupe, & Martinique British = Barbados & Jamaica Dutch = (took from Spain) Netherlands Antilles & Aruba All were huge tobacco & sugar plantations All needed a lot of laborers

21 The Fight for North America As the French, British, & Dutch expand, they began to battle with each other.

22 The English Oust the Dutch 1664 = the Duke of York showed up to drive the Dutch out & the Dutch surrendered without firing a shot The British renamed the area New York By 1750 = about 1.3 million English settlers lived in 13 colonies stretching from New Hampshire to Georgia

23 England Battles France 1754-1763 = French & Indian War or the Seven Years War The British & French began fighting over the Ohio River Valley with their allies They also fought for colonial supremacy in Europe & the West Indies The British wins! They gained control of almost the entire eastern half of North America

24 Native American Reaction Many original inhabitants fell to disease and warfare.

25 A Strained Relationship Most of the Native Americans had peaceful relationships with the French & Dutch while dealing with the fur trade The Natives did the trapping & traded the fur with the Europeans for guns, hatchets, mirrors, & beads The early relations between the British & Natives were peaceful & cooperative It later worsened as the issues of land & religion grew Puritans saw the Natives as the agents of the devil & heathens, or people without a faith The Natives soon began to think the same about the white invaders

26 Settlers & Natives Americans Battle 1622 = Powatan tribe attacked colonists near Jamestown killing 350 settlers The colonists struck back & massacred hundreds of Powatan 1675 = King Philips War Bloodiest battle between colonists & Natives in Massachusetts Native American ruler Metacom ( also known as King Philip) led an attack on 52 colonial villages Both sides massacred hundreds of victims After a year, the colonists defeated the Natives

27 Natives Fall to Disease More destructive than the Europeans’ rifle & cannons were their diseases One tribe went from 24,000 in 1616 to 750 in 1631 due to smallpox, measles, etc. Loss of Natives was a severe loss of laborers, too for the Europeans Which led to African slavery in the Americas

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