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Age of Exploration and Colonization

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1 Age of Exploration and Colonization

2 Motives in the Age of Exploration
Attracted to East for silks and spices Difficult to trade with Islamic empires Desire for wealth and adventure religious zeal- save souls Summary Gold, Glory and God

3 Improvements in Navigation
Better maps, follow coasts at first, used compass better ships- square sails and new hull design, heavy enough to carry cannon use of astrolabe- magnetic compass sail by stars

4 New Technology The compass The astrolabe

5 Portuguese Explorers Prince Henry- first school to train navigators
Diaz- made it to Cape of Good Hope- 1488 Vasco de Gama- went in search of Christians and spices- arrived in India 1510 Portuguese flags in Goa, India and Macao, China

6 The Spanish Believed a short cut could be found by sailing west
Columbus- (Genoan) went west 1492 arrived in Caribbean thought it was the Indies thus the west Indies- Magellan- around the world

7 Pattern of Contact Begin by trading
Armed conflict- Europeans had cannons set up trading partners- some stay to protect partners and Europeans made alliances with local leaders developed mercantilism- material from colony- buy finished products from Europe.

8 Slave Trade Portuguese- trade with Africa- To Portugal as servants then to Brazil to work on plantations Africans less susceptible to European diseases than Native Americans death rate was high 13-30% just on the trip African middlemen active- depopulated entire areas of Africa- food from America helped increase birthrate

9 Spice Trade-East Indies
Very important to Europeans- made food taste better Led to increased desire to trade with Asia VERY profitable!

10 Impact on World by European Contact
Purpose of colonies was to serve the homeland -slaves, furs, cotton, fish, spices, tobacco, gold /silver. Colonies improved the lives of Europeans greatly. In the Americas Disease was devastating. Measles, influenza, smallpox Violence common

11 The World Dominated by Europe (cont)
Africa- completely dominated by Europe- only one independent country- Ethiopia Southeast Asia- French in Vietnam, British in Burma, Spanish in Philippines, Dutch in Indonesia India- French and British compete- British win South America- Spanish dominated: Others joined ( French, Dutch, British, and Portuguese) too

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