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In partnership with GLP-W Lead Practitioner Accreditation Building networks Embedding best practice Creating impact Paul Stock, iNET Wales Programme Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "In partnership with GLP-W Lead Practitioner Accreditation Building networks Embedding best practice Creating impact Paul Stock, iNET Wales Programme Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 In partnership with GLP-W Lead Practitioner Accreditation Building networks Embedding best practice Creating impact Paul Stock, iNET Wales Programme Coordinator

2 © Crown Copyright 2013 What do we hope to achieve today? Gain an overview of the LP accreditation scheme Understand the process of applying to become an accredited GLP-W lead practitioner Understand how the Global Lead Practitioner accreditation can be used as a tool to lead learning across networks Discuss what potential experience and evidence we can draw upon to support a submission for accredited LP status 1

3 © Crown Copyright 2013 GLP-W: key themes 2 What is a lead practitioner?

4 © Crown Copyright 2013 You as a Leader of Learning – what skills are needed? Personal Skills Process & Impact on others Professional Knowledge

5 © Crown Copyright 2013 What is LP accreditation? Internationally recognised endorsement of innovation and effective practice for individuals who support and lead others in achieving excellence in their educational practice Ultimate vision is to support the transformation of educational outcomes for all learners 4

6 © Crown Copyright 2013 Lead practitioner accreditation Building a world class work force for a world class education system 5

7 © Crown Copyright 2013 What is the Lead Practitioner Accreditation 6

8 © Crown Copyright 2013 Benefits for individual staff ‘This was so much more than a job to be ticked off on a to-do list. This was a chance for me to sit and reflect on what I have been doing for the last three years and analyse what impact I have had. Wonderful professional development’. 7

9 © Crown Copyright 2013 Benefits for individual staff National accreditation for professional expertise in leading practice Continued professional development through the accreditation process Opportunities through the Global Learning Programme Wales national network of like-minded schools. Recognised as track record for future leadership roles 8

10 © Crown Copyright 2013 Application steps Step 1: Undertake online self-assessment Step 2:Write supporting statements for each criterion Step 3:Gather evidence to exemplify impact Step 4: Upload evidence and submit work for moderation Step 5: Await feedback 9

11 © Crown Copyright 2013 Leading practice In pairs, think about a project you have led or are about to lead with colleagues. Person A - Prepare to talk to a partner for 2 minutes about what you did, why you did it, how you did it, what impact it had and how you know. Person B – listen to Person A and prepare questions to ask. Swap roles Be prepared to share with the group. Why? What? How? Impact? How do you know? 10 Activity 1

12 © Crown Copyright 2013 The 10 Lead Practitioner Skills 11 1.Developing GL/DE content knowledge 2.Developing GL/DE pedagogical knowledge 3.Applying GL/DE content and pedagogical knowledge to subject specialism or curriculum area 4.Transferring GL/DE expertise Professional knowledge Personal Skills 5. Global outlook 6. Communicating, presenting and Innovating 7. Negotiating and influencing, challenging and developing Process and impact on others 8.Coaching to lead 9.Negotiating to Lead 10.Networking to lead

13 © Crown Copyright 2013 Each of the 10 LP criteria are assessed at four levels 12 1. Developing GL/DE content knowledge: Level I have identified specific areas of my GL/DE content knowledge which will enhance the learning of my students and have shared this knowledge with a colleague. Beginning I have engaged in research into GL/DE content knowledge and have broadened and deepened my understanding of different perspectives on global and development issues and shared this learning with my team. Developing I have engaged in research into GL/DE content knowledge and developed a more critical understanding of global and development issues and shared this learning outside my team. Extending I have engaged in research into GL/DE content knowledge and developed a more critical understanding of global and development issues and shared this learning beyond my school, regionally or nationally. Transforming and leading

14 © Crown Copyright 2013 Making your practice measurable 13 Activity 2

15 © Crown Copyright 2013 Step 1: Self-assessment The self-assessment against the 10 LP criteria at the 4 levels that enables the applicant to: think about what experience and evidence you might have to bring to your application identify which areas might need more development (prior to formally applying if you review in handbook first) use your line manager / coach / colleague to discuss your application against the LP criteria (self-assessment) 14

16 © Crown Copyright 2013 15

17 © Crown Copyright 2013 Step 2: Supporting statements Need to: show how the criterion has been met at the level assessed show the context and the impact on other practitioners and, in turn, on children and young people reference the evidence uploaded 16

18 © Crown Copyright 2013 Step 2: Supporting statements Why? What? How? Impact? How do you know? 17

19 © Crown Copyright 2013 18

20 © Crown Copyright 2013 Supporting statements and evidence Start to think about the kind of things you would start to put together to form a supporting statement and the evidence to support that. How could you evidence the level you have assessed yourself at? What would you include in your supporting statement? 19 Activity 3

21 © Crown Copyright 2013 Supporting statements and evidence Activity 4 Start to think about the kind of things you would need to do to reach the next level. How can your take your work beyond the audience you have already influenced? How could you evidence that you have reached this new level? What would you include in your supporting statement? 20

22 © Crown Copyright 2013 Step 3: Gathering evidence Emails and letters/testimonials Records of meetings Evaluations/feedback Digital photographs Planning materials/resources Case studies Hyperlinks to web pages Pupil voice Evidence of appointments to posts and wider professional duties 21

23 © Crown Copyright 2013 Step 4: Submit application Uploading signed head of school/organisation support statement and evidence list to site Obtaining consent for any photos or personal data included Submit work for review online* * Applicants should be aware that once they have submitted their application they may receive feedback from their moderator requesting further evidence 22 This includes:

24 © Crown Copyright 2013 What support is available now? Online handbook Online testimonials Online support modules The SSAT (The Schools Network) LP accreditation team 23

25 © Crown Copyright 2013 Questions? 24

26 © Crown Copyright 2013 Have we achieved what we hoped to achieve today? Gain an overview of the LP accreditation scheme Understand the process of applying to become an accredited GLP-W lead practitioner Understand how the Global Lead Practitioner accreditation can be used as a tool to lead learning across networks Discuss what potential experience and evidence we can draw upon to support a submission for accredited LP status 25

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