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1 Presented by:. COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach is a person who has received.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presented by:. COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach is a person who has received."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presented by:

2 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach is a person who has received intensive training and has demonstrated the skills & competencies to be a facilitator to lead & support organizational change and practices that lead to an improved quality of life for the people they serve. 2

3 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach will use a range of learning experiences & tools to help DD professionals shift their perspectives and thereby discover positive & respectful ways to support the people they serve to achieve their hopes & dreams 3

4 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach engages in the practice of supporting a person they serve by supporting & guiding team members & co-workers through a series of learning experiences paired with tools to influence beliefs, practices & actions (Must Haves). The Quality of Life Coach assists & facilitates DD professionals to engage in a self-assessment process that result in actions & practices that will help the people we serve to have an improved quality of life. 4

5 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURVIVAL & DANGER ZONE What is a Quality of Life Coach A Quality of Life Coach is a valuable resource to their organization, to the Developmental Disabilities profession and most importantly to the people they serve. 5

6 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE Objectives 1-Participants will be introduced to ways of thinking & actions that lead to the Danger Zone. Participants will be exposed to words & actions that contribute to conflicts, clashes, crisis or challenges A- Conflict} Experts Mind, Red Hat, Violating Must Haves B- Clashes} Traditional control model using restrictions/consequences, Black Hat C- Crisis} Panic Zone, Behavior management, Emotionality, Red Hat D- Challenges} Comfort Zone, Dead Zone, White Hat, Spotlight vision 6

7 A Dangerous Place For Conflict “ The Expert’s Mind” When an individual or organization works from the position of “expert” they believe they have all the answers and they are closed to any new ideas. In the experts mind there is only one way or very few options. The expert approach will frequently focus in on problems( spotlight vision) and fail to engage in the search and discovery process of looking for opportunities for success. In Learning Experience # 6 we will begin to look at Problems as Opportunities with the Pink Bat approach. 7

8 A Dangerous Place “ The Expert’s Mind” Becoming aware of this dangerous place #1-What would be some examples of words that you might typically hear being used with the Expert’s Mind approach #2 -In what ways could the Expert Mind approach lead to Conflicts- Clashes or Challenges 8

9 Another Dangerous Place The “Red Hat” Approach Taking a “Red Hat” approach can quickly lead to conflict. A “Red Hat” approach is Forceful Controlling Coercive Compliance focused 9

10 A Dangerous Place the “Red Hat” Approach Becoming aware of this dangerous place #1-What would be some examples of words that you might typically hear being used with the “Red Hat” approach #2 -In what ways could the “Red Hat” approach lead to Conflicts- Clashes or Challenges 10

11 A Dangerous Place Violating the Five Fundamental “Must Haves” (A) Not Providing Time (B) Not Offering Space (C) Not using a Positive tone & supportive words (D) Not trying to Live in their shoes (E) Not Being connected 11

12 A Dangerous Place Violating the “Must Haves” Becoming aware of this dangerous place #1-What would be some examples of words & actions that are clear examples of violating the “ Must Haves” #2 -In what ways could violating the “ Must Haves” approach lead to Conflicts- Clashes or Challenges 12

13 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE Objectives 1-Participants will be introduced to ways of thinking & actions that lead to the Danger Zone. Participants will be exposed to words & actions that contribute to clashes. 1-B- Clashes} Traditional control model using restrictions/consequences, Black Hat 13

14 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE 1- B- Clashes} Traditional control model using restrictions/consequences, Black Hat 14

15 A Dangerous Place The Traditional Control Model The traditional approach focuses on controlling the person through the use of power, punishment and compliance based consequences Traditional plans are about managing and controlling the people we serve, this approach is not respectful. 15

16 A Dangerous Place The Traditional Control Model Becoming aware of this dangerous place #1-What would be some examples of words that you might typically hear being used with the Traditional Control Model #2 -In what ways could the Traditional Control approach lead to Conflicts- Clashes or Challenges 16

17 Another Way to Enter the Danger Zone The “Black Hat” Approach Taking a “Black Hat” approach can quickly lead to clashes. A “Black hat” approach is Negative Critical Sarcastic Pessimistic Only sees failure Focus is on the problem 17

18 A Dangerous Place The “Black Hat” Approach Becoming aware of this dangerous place #1-What would be some examples of words that you might typically hear being used with the “Black Hat” approach #2 -In what ways could the “Black Hat” approach lead to Conflicts- Clashes or Challenges 18

19 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE Objectives 1-Participants will be introduced to ways of thinking & actions that lead to the Danger Zone. Participants will be exposed to words & actions that contribute to crisis. 1-C- Crisis} Panic Zone, Behavior management, Emotionality, Red Hat 19

20 A Very Dangerous Place The Panic Zone Panic Zone is a place where individuals & organizations often land after a crisis. Certain events are more likely to push people into the panic zone. Events like MUI’s, police investigations, bad press, abeyance. What happens in the Panic Zone is sudden fear or overwhelming anxiety, often causing emotionality seen as unplanned, impulsive, irrational & reactive actions. When in the “Panic Zone” our vision becomes short sighted & narrow with a “Spotlight Focus” 20

21 A Very Dangerous Place The Panic Zone What are some examples of the Panic Zone or Emotionality that you seen? 21

22 Behavior Management Another Path To The DANGER ZONE People in the DD system exhibit target behaviors that need to be reduced or eliminated The role of traditional plans are to manage and control people through the manipulation of the antecedents & consequences For the best interest of the person the use of aversive or coercive acts are applied to help them improve Success for the person is identified as the reduction of the targeted maladaptive behaviors 22

23 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE Objectives 1-Participants will be introduced to ways of thinking & actions that lead to the Danger Zone. Participants will be exposed to words & actions that contribute to challenges 1-D- Challenges} Comfort Zone, Dead Zone, White Hat, Spotlight vision 23

24 COACH LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 2 SURIVAL & DANGER ZONE 1-D- Challenges} Comfort Zone, Dead Zone, White Hat, Spotlight vision 24

25 A Place that will lead to Danger “ The Comfort Zone” This is the place where many organization settle after accreditation or compliance review The focus is meeting minimum standards Employees are happy just getting through the day or week Frequent phrases heard in the comfort zone *It is not worth the effort *It is not that important *It is not really a priority at this time * This is a phase,it will pass 25

26 Another Dangerous Place “The Dead Zone” This is a place where an organization has just given up or become overwhelmed The culture looks & feels lifeless Employees look beat down There is no optimism There is no vision Frequent phrases are –We tried that before, That will never work. Who Cares, What ever 26

27 White Hat Seen As Looks Like Indifferent Whatever Who cares It is all about the paycheck Just putting in time Can’t wait till retirement Focus is on self 27

28 Spot Light Vision ( Problem Focused) The view is very narrow( horse blinders) The range of vision is short & limited to problems The vision is only on the here & now The focus is on problems & not possibilities 28

29 Turning on Spot Light Vision ( Problem Focused) Taking the approach as the “Expert” turns on the “Spotlight Vision” where the focus in on problems and not possibilities Fear is some thing else that turns on our “Spotlight Vision” In times or uncertainty or when in the panic zone we turn on our “Spotlight Vision” and miss the big picture or the opportunities ahead of us 29

30 Spot Light Vision ( Problem Focused) Key words associated with “Spotlight Vision” We can’t Yea but ! I’m afraid Fear The real problems are to costly or difficult Oh crap that’s not going to work 30

31 Spot Light Vision ( Problem Focused) Following our old paradigm or historical approach is a good example of “Spotlight Vision” Spotlight Vision leads to perceptual or inattentional blindness 31

32 Do The Test 32

33 Inattentional blindness, also known as perceptual blindness, is when a person fails to notice some stimulus that is in plain sight. Selective attention’ describes our ability to focus processing resources on particular aspects of our internal or external environment, while disregarding others 33

34 Sharing Examples Lets share some examples of Spotlight Vision & Inattentional Blindness 34

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