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Delivering Change Together. The journey so far…

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Change Together. The journey so far…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Change Together

2 The journey so far…


4 Together Agree the vision with Sheffield City Council / Bi-monthly meetings Work with relevant partnerships and agencies (e.g. Chamber ) and aim to avoid duplication Host four business cross sector networking events a year Negotiate collective discounts for levy payers through bulk buying Align public sector decision making to the five strategic objectives of the BID

5 Busier Marketing o Strategic review of city centre marketing o Review existing events strategy o Drive a new digital marketing strategy o Communicate a marketing strategy of footfall driving initiatives Introduce a coach park to encourage day visitors Set up a ‘Start up Businesses’ group within the BID Drive the vibrancy of Sheffield’s independent offer Work on attaining ‘World Host’ accreditation for customer service Investigate making key areas weather proof

6 Safer Employ a dedicated city centre policing team, PO and PCSO Increase city centre ambassadors Advertise City Retailers Against Crime group Review current policies on anti-social behaviour and implement an action plan Introduce night time marshals Establish a mobile city centre ambassadors headquarters

7 ShopMobility – Mark Arber

8 Easier Work with public sector to improve access to the city centre across all modes of transport Review and launch a parking strategy with major providers Identify measures to improve cycling in the city centre Navigation and way finding improvements to drive footfall Introduce a city centre tour bus Investigate innovative transport e.g. driverless cars, rickshaws, pony and traps Implement community toilet scheme including adult changing facilities

9 Cleaner Review city centre cleaning contracts Provide free street level graffiti removal service for BID levy payers Inject seasonal colour to city centre Pride in our appearance campaign


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