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Project 4 Ensuring Coordination, Evidence Based Programming, and Monitoring of the Peacebuilding Fund Projects in Uganda.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 4 Ensuring Coordination, Evidence Based Programming, and Monitoring of the Peacebuilding Fund Projects in Uganda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 4 Ensuring Coordination, Evidence Based Programming, and Monitoring of the Peacebuilding Fund Projects in Uganda

2 Overview 599,735 USD Coordination, monitoring and support to evidence based programming Communications Research Strengthen resource mobilization and catalytic effect

3 Coordination and synergies -Technical Advisory Panel Meetings -JP coordination meetings in KLA and Field (including quarterly meetings with IPs) -Joint Monitoring Visits -Fostering synergies -Linkages with recovery coordination and UN Area Coordination -Pooling resources -Programmatic convergence -Joint advocacy

4 The eMIS -A successful pilot -Joint Reporting -Enhanced accountability to funding institutions and government -Efficient system for automatic generation of reports - Only tracking tool measuring disbursement against implementation

5 Communication strategy: Peace Day 21 September 2011 -Developed common branding for all participating agencies -Developed advocacy products on the programme -Make your voice heard! Youth Must Engage Now! -Gulu, former epicenter of the war in the North -Joint communication initiative by UN CG and OPM -Partnership with Local Government and civil society -15.000 participants, National and local artists on stage; over 40 NGOs and CSOs involved in peace-building

6 Research - Contribution to evidence based programming - Focus: conflict drivers (youth unemployment, land conflict, unaddressed protection issues) - Building on the existing capacity of Gulu University to strengthen peacebuilding research and monitoring - International Research Conference: Perception of Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda - Setting the recovery agenda for the north: - Peace Recovery and Development Plan has now special programme areas on land administration, youth entrepreneurship and psycho-social support portfolio under return and resettlement programme area

7 Thank you and welcome

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