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Kangaroo writer:26、27、28、29、30、 32、33、34、35、36、37、40、 41、42.

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1 Kangaroo writer:26、27、28、29、30、 32、33、34、35、36、37、40、 41、42

2 A common about the kangaroo A common myth about the kangaroo‘s English name is that “kangaroo” was a Guru Yimithirr〈澳洲土語〉 phrase for "I don't understand you." According to this legend, Lieutenant Cook and naturalist Sir Joseph Banks were exploring the area when they happened upon the animal.

3 Taxonomy 1 The RRRR eeee dddd K K K K aaaa nnnn gggg aaaa rrrr oooo oooo (Macropus rufus) is the largest surviving mmmm aaaa rrrr ssss uuuu pppp iiii aaaa llll anywhere in the world. Fewer in numbers, the Red Kangaroo occupies the arid and semi-arid centre of the country. A large male can be 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 90 kg The EEEE aaaa ssss tttt eeee rrrr nnnn G G G G rrrr eeee yyyy K K K K aaaa nnnn gggg aaaa rrrr oooo oooo (Macropus giganteus) is less well-known than the red (outside of Australia), but the most often seen, as its range covers the fertile eastern part of the country.

4 Taxonomy2 The WWWW eeee ssss tttt eeee rrrr nnnn G G G G rrrr eeee yyyy K K K K aaaa nnnn gggg aaaa rrrr oooo oooo (Macropus fuliginosus) is slightly smaller again at about 54 kg (119 lb) for a large male. It is found in the southern part of Western Australia, South Australia near the coast, and the DDDD aaaa rrrr llll iiii nnnn gggg R R R R iiii vvvv eeee rrrr basin. The AAAA nnnn tttt iiii llll oooo pppp iiii nnnn eeee K K K K aaaa nnnn gggg aaaa rrrr oooo oooo (Macropus antilopinus) is, essentially, the far- northern equivalent of the Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos. Like them, it is a creature of the grassy plains and woodlands, and gregarious.

5 Predators Kangaroos have few natural pppp rrrr eeee dddd aaaa tttt oooo rrrr ssss. The tttt hhhh yyyy llll aaaa cccc iiii nnnn eeee, considered by palaeontologists to have once been a major natural predator of the kangaroo, is now eeee xxxx tttt iiii nnnn cccc tttt. Other eeee xxxx tttt iiii nnnn cccc tttt predators included the mmmm aaaa rrrr ssss uuuu pppp iiii aaaa llll l l l l iiii oooo nnnn, MMMM eeee gggg aaaa llll aaaa nnnn iiii aaaa and the WWWW oooo nnnn aaaa mmmm bbbb iiii. However, with the arrival of humans in Australia at least 50,000 years ago and the introduction of the dddd iiii nnnn gggg oooo about 5,000 years ago, kangaroos have had to adapt. The mere barking of a dog can set a full-grown male boomer into a wild frenzy.Wedge-tailed eagles and other raptors usually eat kangaroo cccc aaaa rrrr rrrr iiii oooo nnnn.

6 Diet Different species of kangaroos have different diets, although all are strict herbivores. The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is predominantly a grazer eating a wide variety of grasses whereas some other species,include significant amounts of shrubs in the diet. The smaller species of kangaroos also consume hypogeal fungi.

7 Environment Kangaroos of different types live in all areas of Australia, from cold- climate areas and desert plains, to tropical rainforests and beaches Different kangaroo species live in a variety of habitats. Kangaroos have evolved as part of the Australian ecosystem and, with their soft feet, cause no environmental degradation at natural population levels.

8 單 字 Lieutenant 陸軍中尉 phrase for 短語 Essentially 本質 Gregarious 群居 predominantly 主要 hypogeal fungi 地下真菌 evolved as part of 演變成部分

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