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Chapter 6.1 Organization of Congress Making laws for millions of people is a difficult task. – How do you make sure the people elected are the best for.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6.1 Organization of Congress Making laws for millions of people is a difficult task. – How do you make sure the people elected are the best for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6.1 Organization of Congress Making laws for millions of people is a difficult task. – How do you make sure the people elected are the best for the job?

2 Answer : Have lots of elections!! Congressional elections take place every even numbered year in November. – 2008 – 2010 – 2012 – Etc. House of Representatives – Every 2 years for everyone! Senate – 1/3 of members are elected every other year. Guarantees at all times 2/3 of Senators are ‘veterans’

3 Some possible problems…. Elections are held in November. Newly elected members of Congress start job in January. – Each new Congress is numbered in 2 year terms 1789 = 1 st Congress 1791 = 2 nd Congress 2009 = 111 th Congress – How do you stop Congressman who lose from trying to make new laws in their last month in office?

4 Answer : The President can allow Congress to go on vacation (called recess) After elections – Most Congressman who still have jobs go home to see their families for the holidays. – Why? They haven’t seen their families much because of the campaigning!

5 Question: How does this help ‘lame-duck’ members from making laws before they leave office? Lame duck – members who had not been re-elected For Congress to vote on any laws, a quorum must be present to vote! – Quorum = majority of members House of Representatives = 217 members Senate = 51 members

6 Another Possible Problem: Lack of Term Limits in Congress Term limits – Legal limits on the number of terms a person can serve in office Executive Office = 2 terms (8 years) 22 nd Amendment – In Congress House of Representatives = no term limits Senate = No term limits

7 Supporters of “No Term Limits” in Congress People pick who they want! People get better with age….right? Become better politicians!! Figure out how Washington works!! Understand how to get things done!!

8 Supporters of “No Term Limits” in Congress... With age comes wisdom

9 Supporters for Term Limits Keeps fresh faces in Congress! – Keep fresh ideas that are more of what the public of today wants!! – They know how to use technology!! MySpace Facebook Twitter – Can give updates!! Gives more people a chance to work for their country!

10 Where does it stand today? In 1995 – Supreme Court ruled that Congress can not impose term limits on its members without making it a Constitutional amendment. – Do you agree?

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