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STANDARD MODEL. Precision Electroweak data?? Higgs coupling blows up!! Higgs potential collapses Higgs coupling less than in Standard Model viXra Blogger’s.

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Presentation on theme: "STANDARD MODEL. Precision Electroweak data?? Higgs coupling blows up!! Higgs potential collapses Higgs coupling less than in Standard Model viXra Blogger’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Precision Electroweak data?? Higgs coupling blows up!! Higgs potential collapses Higgs coupling less than in Standard Model viXra Blogger’s Combination of Dec.13 th Data There must be New Physics Beyond the Standard Model

3 Theorists getting Cold Feet Composite Higgs model? conflicts with precision electroweak data Interpretation of EW data? consistency of measurements? Discard some? Higgs + higher-dimensional operators? corridors to higher Higgs masses? Little Higgs models? extra `Top ’, gauge bosons, `Higgses ’ Higgsless models? strong WW scattering, extra D?

4 Heretical Interpretation of EW Data Do all the data tell the same story? e.g., A L vs A H What attitude towards LEP, NuTeV? What most of us think Chanowitz

5 Spread looks natural: no significant disagreement Estimates of m H from different Measurements

6 Higgs + Higher-Order Operators Precision EW data suggest they are small: why? But conspiracies are possible: m H could be large, even if believe EW data …? Do not discard possibility of heavy Higgs Corridor to heavy Higgs? Barbieri, Strumia


8 Elementary Higgs or Composite? Higgs field: ≠ 0 Quantum loop problems Fermion-antifermion condensate Just like QCD, BCS superconductivity Top-antitop condensate? needed m t > 200 GeV New technicolour force? -Heavy scalar resonance? -Inconsistent with precision electroweak data? Cut-off Λ ~ 1 TeV with Supersymmetry? Cutoff Λ = 10 TeV

9 Comparison between Weakly- and Strongly-coupled Models

10 Interpolating Models Combination of Higgs boson and vector ρ Two main parameters: m ρ and coupling g ρ Equivalently ratio weak/strong scale: g ρ / m ρ Grojean, Giudice, Pomarol, Rattazzi

11 Intermediate Models

12 Effects on Higgs Decays Dependences on ξ of Higgs branching ratios Standard Model recovered in limit ξ  0 Grojean, Giudice, Pomarol, Rattazzi

13 Higgs as a Pseudo-Goldstone Boson Loop cancellation mechanism SupersymmetryLittle Higgs ‘Little Higgs’ models (breakdown of larger symmetry)

14 Little Higgs Models Embed SM in larger gauge group Higgs as pseudo-Goldstone boson Cancel top loop with new heavy T quark New gauge bosons, Higgses Higgs light, other new physics heavy Not as complete as susy: more physics > 10 TeV M T < 2 TeV (m h / 200 GeV) 2 M W ’ < 6 TeV (m h / 200 GeV) 2 M H++ < 10 TeV

15 Examples of Higgs as Pseudo-Goldstone Boson Parameterization of effective Lagrangian: Examples: To be measured!

16 What if the Higgs is not quite a Higgs? Tree-level Higgs couplings ~ masses –Coefficient ~ 1/v Couplings ~ dilaton of scale invariance Broken by Higgs mass term –μ 2, anomalies –Cannot remove μ 2 (Coleman-Weinberg) –Anomalies give couplings to γγ, gg Generalize to pseudo-dilaton of new (nearly) conformal strongly-interacting sector Pseudo-Goldstone boson of scale symmetry

17 A Phenomenological Profile of a Pseudo-Dilaton Universal suppression of couplings to Standard Model particles: a = c = v/V Effective potential: Self-couplings: Γ(gg) may be enhanced Γ(γγ) may be suppressed Compilation of constraints Campbell, JE, Olive: arXiv:1111.4495 Updated with Dec. 11 constraints Pseudo-baryons as dark matter?

18 General Analysis of ‘Less Higgs’ Models Parameterization of effective Lagrangian: Fits a ≠ c Azatov, Contino, Galloway: arXiv:1202.3415Espinosa, Grojean, Muhlleitner, Trott: arXiv:1202.3697

19 General Analysis of ‘Less Higgs’ Models Separate fits to CMS and ATLAS data: Azatov, Contino, Galloway: arXiv:1202.3415

20 Sum Rule for More or Less Higgs Models What if Higgs-V-V couplings differ from SM? Unitarity imposes sum rule on scattering in different isospin channels: If Higgs coupling > Standard Model (a 2 > 1), must have non-zero scattering with I = 2 Fialkowski, Rychkov, Urban: arXiv:1202.1532

21 Higgsless Models? Four-dimensional versions: Strong WW scattering @ TeV, incompatible with precision data? Break EW symmetry by boundary conditions in extra dimension: delay strong WW scattering to ~ 10 TeV? Kaluza-Klein modes: m KK > 300 GeV? compatibility with precision data? Warped extra dimension + brane kinetic terms? Lightest KK mode @ few 00 GeV, strong WW @ 6-7 TeV

22 Particle Spectrum in Simplest Model with Extra Dimensions Lowest-lying states have flat wave functions (n = 0) Excitations (Kaluza-Klein) have nodes (n > 0): Mass ~ n/R (R = radius of circle)

23 ‘Fold’ Circle: Orbifold Identify two halves of circle: up to a minus sign ‘Even’ particles include massless: odd ones all massive A way to give masses to particles that are asymmetric

24 Mechanism to break Gauge Symmetry Identify two halves up to a group transformation U Unbroken part of gauge group commutes with U Masses for asymmetric particles: –e.g., SU(2) × U(1)  U(1)

25 Search for Vector Resonance in Higgsless Model Vector resonance structure in WZ scattering Simulation of resonance structure in m WZ @ LHC

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