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Work & Power Mr. Skirbst Physical Science Topic 05.

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Presentation on theme: "Work & Power Mr. Skirbst Physical Science Topic 05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work & Power Mr. Skirbst Physical Science Topic 05

2 What is work?

3 Work is a force acting through a distance

4 Equation for Work W = (F)(d)

5 Equation for Work W = (F)(d) Work = force x distance

6 Equation for Work W = (F)(d) Work = force x distance (Joules) = (Newtons) (meters)

7 Example: A student who weighs 500 N climbs a flight of stairs 5 m high. How much work is done?

8 What is power?

9 Power is the rate at which work is done

10 Equation for Power P = W / t

11 Equation for Power P = W / t Power = work / time

12 Equation for Power P = W / t Power = work / time (Watts) = (Joules) / (seconds)

13 Example: If the student from the previous example climbed the stairs in 5 seconds, how much power was required of her?

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