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Physics Colloquium Ⅱ 2003.12.18 Shibata Laboratory 99-0508-5 OKA, Hiroki Nucleosyntheses studied with a Van de Graaff Accelerator [Contents] 1. Objective.

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1 Physics Colloquium Ⅱ 2003.12.18 Shibata Laboratory 99-0508-5 OKA, Hiroki Nucleosyntheses studied with a Van de Graaff Accelerator [Contents] 1. Objective 2. Method 3. Germanium detector 4. Test beam time 5. Plans 6. Summary

2 1. Objective I study nucleosynthesis like the one in stars. H, He, Li C, N, O to Fe Created in stars. To study nucleosynthesis with a Van de Graaff Accelerator and a germanium detector. ・ Nucleosyntheses Beyond Fe Z (atomic number) Ti V The composition ratio of elements to hydrogen Created in supernova explosion. Created soon after big-bang.

3 2. Method p + 48 Ti → 49 V * γ Bombard Titanium target with proton beam. The gamma rays are detected with the germanium detector. Vanadium is in excited state and emits gamma ray. γ p Van de Graaff Accelerator at Tokyo Tech

4 A semiconductor detector. Energy resolution is much better than that of NaI scintillator. ~1m 3. Germanium detector Gamma rays make electron-hole pairs. The pairs converted to electric current. ・ Measurement of energy resolution Na22 (511 keV, 1274 keV) Red : Ge Black: NaI Energy resolution: R 、 Energy resolution at 1274 keV;

5 4. Test beam time ・ Beam Time on November 6th, 2003 Proton Beam 1.5MeV Ti Target 5μm thick ・ 48Ti (p,γ) 49V Cross Section at Ep=1.5MeV Y : Number of γ-rays emitted from Vanadium I : Beam Current n : Density of the Target Nuclei x : Thickness of the Target To count the number of γ-rays emitted from Vanadium, energy calibration, detection efficiency, and the solid angle acceptance is needed. Gamma ray absorption in the target chamber wall is needed. Y σ ・ I ・ n ・ x (This was a preparation for the 3rd year students’ experiment as well.) The beam current was measured with Faraday cup.

6 Am241 (60 keV) Eu152 (122 keV etc.) ・ Measurement of Gamma ray absorption in the target chamber wall. γ chamber 50 100 500 absorption radiation source Target chamber is stainless steel. Some γ-rays are absorbed in the chamber wall. detector

7 90.6152.9 1140.7 barn Obtained cross section There is an uncertainty originating from background, efficiency, absorption in target chamber wall and the beam current. I will evaluate these uncertainties. 0 90.6 152.9 748.3 1140.5 49V Level scheme

8 5. Plans Jan. 20(Tue) ~ 23(Fri), 2004 ・ Next Beam Time ・ Veto the Compton continuum Anti-coincidence shielding Compton scattering γ plastic scintillator Germanium detector and plastic scintillator detect gamma ray in coincidence. Compton Scattering Compton continuum will be suppressed. Veto Ge detector

9 6. Summary ・ The objective is to study nucleosyntheses with a Van de Graaff Accelerator and a germanium detector. ・ The germanium detector’s energy resolution and its efficiency were measured. ・ I had test beam time and observed nucleosyntheses. ・ I will have a 4-day beam time in January, 2004. Cross section was evaluated. Need to evaluate uncertainty. Try to suppress the Compton continuum. ・ Gamma ray absorption in target chamber was measured. Beam current was measured with Faraday cup.

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