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By Cedric Rogers.  the Catholic Church endorsement of the “The Rule of Marriage” which basically gave the husband the right to beat his wife upon any.

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Presentation on theme: "By Cedric Rogers.  the Catholic Church endorsement of the “The Rule of Marriage” which basically gave the husband the right to beat his wife upon any."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Cedric Rogers

2  the Catholic Church endorsement of the “The Rule of Marriage” which basically gave the husband the right to beat his wife upon any wrong doing.  English adopted the “Rule of Thumb” concept which states the husband can beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. (Violence Against Women 2009)

3  Mental  low self-esteem  Extreme jealousy  Dominance  The best factor to me is how the person was raised and what the person was exposed to as a child

4  Children that saw their father hit on their mother are more than likely going to repeat the same pattern. If a guy has low self- esteem making someone else feel bad is going to make him feel better about his own problems. Extreme jealousy is when simple things make you over react

5  The Violence against Women Act the law was first of its kind, the way it works is it helps government agencies and victims advocates work together to help prevent domestic abuse, sexual assault.( Violence against Women 2009)

6  In North Carolina the maximum amount of time a person can spend in jail for domestic violence is a year and can have a possibly of up to a year of probation.

7  According to information released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation about crimes in the United States also showed the domestic violence was the leading cause of injuries to women (Crimes of punishment 2007)

8  Problems and Solutions  Unhappy person -Counseling  View point of women-Changing the image of women  Pattern of Behavior -channeling energy else where  Alcoholism – follow advice already giving about it

9  The guy could be unhappy because of experiences of his child hood that had a negative effect on his mental state. Like seeing his father beat his mother or his father could have beaten him.  Solution- have some types of education or maybe consoling for the kids, or family counseling for those in the home face the situation.

10  The way some guys see women as just sex objects or as property. The guys have that mindset that women need to be in the cleaning or having kids.  The way we can change that is have a positive look of women in the media and have more positive women role models.

11  Guys that have short tempers and have that reputation of being someone you don’t want to mess with. That are know for fight and being aggressive.  Have a low cost neighbor gym where they can workout or box to take out all that negative energy

12  If a mother drinks alcohol during her pregnancy then her baby could possibly come out with some problems. Like one side effect that could explain my point is emotional and behavioral problems  Don’t drink alcohol while your pregnant

13  This concludes my PowerPoint on domestic violence. I hope I was able to educate you on a serious problem. Thank you

14  QT-A QT-A

15  Chelala, C. (2009). VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Americas, 61(3), 53-55. 

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