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 People who dread public speaking often believe that their audiences will be bored by what they have to say. While it is highly unlikely that your.

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3  People who dread public speaking often believe that their audiences will be bored by what they have to say. While it is highly unlikely that your audience will fall asleep in the middle of your speech, there are several strategies that you can use to create a more entertaining presentation.

4  Do not attempt to be an encyclopedia. While many people try to impress the audience with their vast knowledge, it is not possible to cover every aspect of a topic in such a short time period. Instead of trying to discuss the history of American cinema in five minutes, choose two or three main points that you would like your audience to remember. Everything you say or do during your presentation should reinforce these main points. List your main points in your introduction, provide the appropriate details for each key concept, and summarise your message during your conclusion.  While statistics are often a necessary part of many presentations, try to avoid stuffing your speech full of numbers. Personal examples are typically more effective than statistical data. If you are attempting to convince your co-workers to purchase software that will improve the productivity of your business, give an example of how the software helped one of your competitors. This tactic is much more effective than simply listing the percentage of companies who use the same software package.  If you must include statistics in your presentation, consider preparing pie charts, bar graphs, or other visual aids to help capture your audience’s attention. Visual aids are easy to create with most standard computer software packages and research has proven that they help audience members retain information. However, it is best to keep visual aids to a minimum. You do not want to spend your entire presentation flipping though posters or PowerPoint slides. Use details to add interest to your presentation.


6  Desired outcome  Situation  Prepare  Target audience  Structu re  Key messages  Call to action  Visuals  Props  Handouts  Reach the audience  Involve the audience  Bring it to life  Entertaining  Involve the audience  Be yourself

7 Thank you

8 Presentation skills 1.Get attention with an 'interesting' opening 2.This means you explain relevance to audience 3.Central message statement of your purpose 4.For example two or three examples or illustrations 5.Close end with striking, summary sentence

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