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Presentation Skills Prepared for Teachers Network Leadership Institute By Barbara Jones & Assoc.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills Prepared for Teachers Network Leadership Institute By Barbara Jones & Assoc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills Prepared for Teachers Network Leadership Institute By Barbara Jones & Assoc.

2 What We’ll Cover Initial Presentations Managing the Modes of Communication Structure and Preparation Final Presentations

3 Your Presentations Two minutes Tell us about your research project

4 Nervous?

5 Modes of Communication Source: Ray Birdwhistle Visual Vocal Verbal 55% 7% 38%

6 Consider the Visual Elements Eye Contact Gestures Stance & Movement Dress

7 Consider Vocal Elements Volume Rate Articulation Tone Filler words

8 um…you know.. ah..well er…like... um…you know.. ah..well er…like... um…you know.. well er…like... um…you know.. ah..well er…like.....well er…like... And Verbal Elements

9 What We’ll Cover Initial Presentations Managing the Modes of Communication Structure and Preparation Final Presentations

10 attention time Here’s a typical attention curve

11 Opening Body Close Basic Presentation Structure

12 Improved Presentation Structure Initial Close Q & A Final Close Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 transition Introduction Preview

13 attention time …Improves the attention curve

14 Your Preparation Process Organize your content Select and sequence the key points Prepare the transition statements Develop a closing statement Develop an opening statement

15 Organize your Opening: BOAT Background Objective Agenda Tone & timing

16 BACKGROUND: Who you are ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE:: Why you’re there today ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ AGENDA: What you’ll cover ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ TONE/TIMING: How you want to proceed ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5 Activity: Your Opening

17 Don’t Forget the Close: RENO? Review “Especially” Next Steps Open for Questions

18 REVIEW your points ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ESPECIALLY what you want them to remember ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ NEXT STEPS for them to take ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ OPEN FOR QUESTIONS ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 7 Activity: the Close

19 How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice Practice!

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