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Training Teachers for Distance Learning Using Interactive Television (ITV) Presented by John R. Knue, Ed.D. - Baylor University (

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Presentation on theme: "Training Teachers for Distance Learning Using Interactive Television (ITV) Presented by John R. Knue, Ed.D. - Baylor University ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Teachers for Distance Learning Using Interactive Television (ITV) Presented by John R. Knue, Ed.D. - Baylor University (

2 Overview l Orientation to terms & technology l Importance of faculty training l Subject areas and presentation skills l Unique issues in D.L. l Professional development opportunities l Time for Q&A

3 Terms & Technology l Interactive TV or ITV (interactive video) l Two-Way Audio & Video (compressed) l Synchronous (vs. asynchronous) l Origin & Receive Site (s) –point-to-point –multi-point

4 Importance of Faculty Training via ITV l # 1--Learn the technology to be able to focus on the content l Must develop needed KSA s l Gain experience in new environment l Practice and experiment l Only learn so much from a handbook

5 Importance of Faculty Training via ITV l Formal training provides for practice, modeling, participation and feedback l Take advantage of all of the available resources l Determine effectiveness (not for everyone) –Good teachers excel –Poor teaching exacerbated

6 Subject Areas l Technical information; how the equipment works & why it’s needed l Instructional Systems Design l Presentation techniques l Use of media and graphics

7 Subject Areas (cont.) l Humanizing distance learning l Student interaction l Test & measurement l Course administration

8 l Practice in the two-way environment – Start with point-to-point – May also use the D.L. room w/o connection l Two areas of concentration – Adapting to the technology – Student interaction Developing Presentation Skills

9 l Camera presence l Timing of lesson l Time on camera l Dress & appearance

10 Developing Presentation Skills l Humor l Working with a facilitator/ technician l Use a lesson plan or outline l Practice, Practice, Practice…

11 Developing Presentation Skills l Videotape for self-evaluation l Observe others in action The “goal” is to make the technology transparent!

12 Issues Unique in D.L. l More time and preparation needed l Need for a more complete syllabus l Distribution of materials l Student interaction changes

13 Unique Issues (cont.) l Office hours/student contact l Course administration l Working with a facilitator or technical person at remote site(s) l Must concentrate on the content; not get lost in the technology

14 R.O.P.E.S. Method l Review (relate subject) l Overview (objective & content) l Present (lecture, etc.) l Exercise (student practice) l Summary (closure)

15 Professional Development l TxDLA l Teletraining Institute l SCATE l A&M CDLR l UNT

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