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P RESENTATION S KILLS. 2 P RESENTATION S KILLS : O BJECTIVES Presentation Skills 1.Understand how to effectively prepare, design and deliver presentations.

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2 2 P RESENTATION S KILLS : O BJECTIVES Presentation Skills 1.Understand how to effectively prepare, design and deliver presentations suitable for a variety of audiences 2.Provide explanation to others with no prior knowledge on the Food Security Cluster

3 Why is this subject covered? How does this relate to my day to day tasks? 3 P RESENTATION S KILLS : R ELEVANCE Presentation Skills

4 C ONFUCIUS … I hear, I forget, I see, I remember I do, I understand 4

5 P RESENTATION S KILLS - P REPARE 5Presentation Skills Define Message & Outcomes Consider audience & interests Consider big picture, situation, Consider individual versus group presentation Consider media, timing

6 P RESENTATION S KILLS : D ESIGN Content Structure Layout 6

7 P RESENTATION S KILLS : D ELIVER Personal Preparation Body Language Respect Empathy Feedback 7

8 S O, L ET ’ S T RY O UR P RESENTATION S KILLS A N E XERCISE 8  In groups design 5-minute presentation  Designated topics: 1.Humanitarian Reform & Cluster Approach – to a group of humanitarian actors 2.Food Security Cluster – to new Cluster Members 3.Food Security Cluster – to National Authorities  Other participants ‘play’ the audience Presentation Skills

9 IFC C3P Annual Retreat Hong Kong 2011 The Day in Review

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