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MACET Sean O’Connell, 2012 Career Experience Thesis Motivated Active Student Affairs Group (PSI)

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Presentation on theme: "MACET Sean O’Connell, 2012 Career Experience Thesis Motivated Active Student Affairs Group (PSI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MACET Sean O’Connell, 2012 Career Experience Thesis Motivated Active Student Affairs Group (PSI)

2 Motivated Are you MOTIVATED? Write for the Irish Psychologist e.g. Essay (with references) on something you recently studied/worked on/found interesting. Present at the Student Congress Present at the PSI Conference Career Experi ence Thesis Motiv ated Active MACET Here’s some things you may want to keep an eye on. The following show 5 areas that you could use on your way to becoming the balanced psych student. This focuses on your Academic work, C.V and career. Student Affairs Group (PSI)

3 Career Do you know what CAREER you want? Attend the “Day in the Life...” SAG events Put forward questions to those in that career now, and those currently studying to be… Make sure you open your mind to all parts that this diverse career has to offer Active Are you ACTIVE? Involve yourself with your psych soc Volunteer somewhere local e.g. SVdP Enter SAG competitions (rewards!) Student Affairs Group (PSI)

4 Thesis What are you going to do for your THESIS? Attend conferences. You will get ideas on what’s new, what you could follow up on/improve, what areas are most interesting to you, what’s trending, and just as important- HOW it’s done. It’s good to start thinking of several ideas so you’re not in a panic when you start. Experience What EXPERIENCE do you have? Attend the year-round SAG workshops Add workshops in psychologically relevant areas Brush up on your knowledge of topics, presentation skills, and even catch some tips on those dreaded STATS! Student Affairs Group (PSI)

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