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Soteriology sōtēr= saviour logos= knowledge, study Engaging with the Cross.

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2 Soteriology sōtēr= saviour logos= knowledge, study Engaging with the Cross

3 Soteriology Engaging with the Cross

4 Soteriology Engaging with the Cross Why did Jesus die? You gave different answers! So does the New Testament!

5 Some key pictures of what happened at the Cross Romans 3 v21-26 Romans 5 v1-11

6 1.OLD TESTAMENT SACRIFICES a)How was sacrifice seen?  Common!  But for Israel, special! Lev 17 v11 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

7 1.OLD TESTAMENT SACRIFICES b)What did sacrifice need?  A sinner to bring the sacrifice Leviticus 1 v1-5  A life to be the sacrifice  A priest to offer the sacrifice I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

8 2.NEW TESTAMENT REFLECTIONS a)Why was sacrifice given? Hebrews 10 v1-4  Not to deal with sin…  … but to remind of sin b)So what did sacrifice accomplish?  Absolutely nothing! c)Then what was the point? I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

9 2.NEW TESTAMENT REFLECTIONS a)Why was sacrifice given? Hebrews 10 v1-4  Not to deal with sin…  … but to remind of sin b)So what did sacrifice accomplish?  Absolutely nothing! c)Then what was the point?  They were shadows I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

10 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS a)Jesus: The Last Supper Matthew 26 v26-30 Jesus saw that his death would be –  Atoning  Covenantal  Substitutionary  Eschatological  Redemptive I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

11 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS b)John’s teaching c)Peter’s teaching I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

12 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching Christ’s death was –  The fulfilment of all the Old Testament sacrifices  A “propitiation’” for our sins - Romans 3 v25 ‘a sacrifice of atonement’ (NIV) a sacrifice that turns away God’s wrath/anger  God’s anger is not reactive but responsive I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

13 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching A picture the OT prophets used – “the cup of God’s wrath” Job 21v20 Psalms 60v3, 75v8 Isaiah 51v17-23, 63v6 Jeremiah 25v15-28; 49 v12 Lamentations 4v21-22 Ezekiel 23 v31-34 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

14 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS d)Paul’s teaching But now look what the New Testament says! Matthew 26 v36-42 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

15 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS e)Hebrews  Jesus as the sinner  Jesus as the sacrifice  Jesus as the priest I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’

16 3.THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS This was the sacrifice that worked!  For everyone! Rom 3v24; Eph 2 v13  For everything!1Cor 15v9-10  For free!Rom 3 v24; 6v23  For ever!Rom 5 v9 I. SACRIFICE – ‘MADE CLEAN’


18 I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back Engaging with the Cross


20 1.OLD TESTAMENT BACKGROUND  History: A redeemed people  Law: Reminders of redemption  Prophets: Future redemption The one thing you couldn’t redeem was another’s life Ps 47 v7-9 2.GREEK BACKGROUND  Redeeming loans  Redeeming prisoners of war  Redeeming slaves

21 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 3.JESUS’ USE OF THE CONCEPT  A ransom for manyMatt 20 v20-28  His cry from the cross  John 19 v30‘tetelestai’ ALL YOUR SIN IS PAID FOR!

22 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT a)The word Paul uses apolutrosis lutron b)Why did we need redeeming?  Because we were in slavery to ‘the 3 laws of God’s moral universe’  A moral law is something that affects you whether you believe in it or not

23 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT  The law of sin Rom 3 v23  The law of death Rom 6 v23  The law of judgment Rom 5 v16

24 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT  What was the redemption price paid?  To whom was the ransom paid?  That ransom stretches into the past, present and future!

25 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT But we’re not just freed from, we’re also freed into – The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8 v2)

26 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT Freed from… Freed into… Sin, death, judgment Kingdom of darkness A people of wickedness Bondage to the Law New life Rom 8 v1-2 Kingdom of light Col 1 v13 A people of goodness Titus 2 v11-14 Freedom in the Spirit Gal 3 v13-14

27 II. RANSOM – ‘BOUGHT BACK’ 4.PAUL’S USE OF THE CONCEPT We don’t have to live in slavery to anything!


29 I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back III. Justification - put right Engaging with the Cross

30 III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’ 1.BACKGROUND a)Two fundamental Old Testament beliefs  The righteous GodGen 3; 18 v23-25; Isa 3 v13-15  The righteous personGen 15 v5-6 b)A change in thinking in the inter-testamental period  A growing belief that you could earn credit  Reflected in Luke 18 v9-14

31 III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’ 2.WHAT PAUL EMPHASIZED God justifies us – a)While we were still un-godly! Rom 5 v6-8 b)And he does this on the basis of faith alone c)And this is God’s final word on the matter!  OT & NT: there will be a final judgment  But for Christians, the End-time/eschatological judgment has already taken place! Rom 5 v1-2, 9 Rom 8 v1

32 Justification: The common Christian view The End “NOT GUILTY!”

33 Justification: Paul’s teaching The End NOT GUILTY!

34 III. JUSTIFICATION – ‘PUT RIGHT’  There is a judgment that Christians still have to face; but it is NOT to do with their DESTINY, but with their REWARDS  2 Corinthians 5 v6-10  1 Cor 3 v101-5



37 I. A Sacrifice - made clean II. A redemption/ransom - bought back III. Justification - put right IV. Reconciliation - made friends Engaging with the Cross

38 IV. RECONCILIATION – ‘MADE FRIENDS’ 1.Why do we need reconciling? 2.Who is it that needs reconciling?

39 IV. RECONCILIATION – ‘MADE FRIENDS’ GODMAN MAN A curtain torn A wall broken


41 GODMAN MAN A curtain torn A wall broken The whole of creation !

42  Made clean  Bought back  Put right  Made friends Engaging with the Cross


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