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GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Silent Preparation Song : 1. “Wait for the Lord” Collect of the Day Song: 2. “In the Lord” WORD Scripture Readings (

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Presentation on theme: "GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Silent Preparation Song : 1. “Wait for the Lord” Collect of the Day Song: 2. “In the Lord” WORD Scripture Readings ("— Presentation transcript:

1 GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Silent Preparation Song : 1. “Wait for the Lord” Collect of the Day Song: 2. “In the Lord” WORD Scripture Readings ( 3. “Kyrie Eleison” ) Sermon Prayers of the People: 4. “O God Hear My Prayer” ASHES Preparation & Imposition of Ashes Song : 5. “Jesus, Your Spirit in Us” Closing Prayer Song: 6. “Jesus, Remember Me”

2 GATHERING + silence + Song: 1. “Wait for the Lord” (seated) + silence + Collect of the Day

3 Song: (seated) 2. “In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful” + silence +

4 WORD Psalm of Confession: Psalm 51:1-17 Response: 3. “Kyrie Eleison” (seated) Old Testament: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 The Word of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon


6 + silence +

7 Prayers of the People The Iona Community, alt. Response: (seated) 4. “O God, Hear My Prayer” + silence + ASHES Preparation of Ashes Prayer over the Ashes

8 God our Creator, you have formed us out of the dust of the earth. May these ashes be to us a sign of our mortality, repentance and renewal: a humble remembrance of our life in you, and our relationship with your creation; a witness to the Way of Jesus in your world and your promise of a new creation. Guide us on our Lenten journey, we pray, in the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.

9 Imposition of Ashes “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Gen. 3:19 Song: 5. “Jesus, Your Spirit in Us” You may come forward to receive the sign of ashes on your forehead or on the back of your hand. + silence +

10 Closing Prayer Song: (seated) 6. “Jesus, Remember Me” whenever you are ready you may depart in silence Next week: Community Lunch & Colloquium “Intentional Community as a Spiritual Practice” 12:30-2:45 pm


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